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Barack Obama on 4 November The world's expectations of an Obama administration are high This is a country which has habitually, sometimes irritatingly, regarded itself as young and vibrant, the envy of the world. Often this is merely hype. But there are times when it is entirely true. With Barack Obama's victory, one of these moments has arrived. The US has never been so unpopular, so derided, and so dismissed by the outside world as it has in the latter stages of George W Bush's presidency. The other day I asked Madeleine Albright, President Clinton's formidable secretary of state, if she could remember a time when people hated America so much. Expectations abroad "Not in my lifetime," she answered. "I feel very strongly about this country, and what an exceptional, amazing country it is. But I honestly think this is about as bad as I've seen it." Opinion polls around the world have confirmed America's unpopularity. And the chance that a young, apparently pleasant and modest black man might become its president was greeted favourably everywhere. Last summer a poll for the BBC World Service, conducted in 22 countries, indicated that people preferred Barack Obama to John McCain by four to one. Almost half said that if Senator Obama were elected, it would change their view of the United States completely. America is no longer the power it was. It can still lead, but it is no longer in a position to dictate to the wider world For eight years the word that people around the world have used again and again to describe the approach of George W Bush's presidency is "arrogance". The tone in Washington seemed to be one of superiority amounting almost to contempt. Think of the speeches by men like Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz or Paul Bremer. All were closely concerned with the occupation of Iraq, which was carried out in defiance of opinion in most of the rest of the world. Why did the US invade Iraq? "Because we are America," said another leading figure in the enterprise, famously. "We can." Outside this country, most people would probably agree with Madeleine Albright's judgement when she spoke to me: "I think Iraq will go down in history as the greatest disaster of American foreign policy - worse than Vietnam." In the rush to war in 2003, when many American politicians were frightened to stand out against the crowd, Barack Obama condemned the invasion loudly and publicly. No guarantee The fact that he has been elected president is his reward for that. And everyone around the world who felt that the Iraq war was wrong will feel that America has now chosen a different path - a path that leads away from extraordinary rendition, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding and all the rest of it. America is no longer the power it was. Without meaning to, President Bush demonstrated that. It can still lead, but it is no longer in a position to dictate to the wider world. Obama family A black family in the White House will change America's image abroad Barack Obama clearly understands this. As an African-American (literally, since his father was from Kenya) his background is not one of privilege and superiority. He will be open to the world in a way President Bush never was. And he will show once again the value of the American dream. This is no guarantee that he will be a success as president. Jimmy Carter understood the US's reduced position in the post-Vietnam world, and he refused to dictate to the world. Nowadays most Americans regard him as a failure. But the outside world is set to be delighted by Barack Obama's victory. And its view of America will change accordingly. Bookmark with: * Delicious * Digg * reddit * Facebook * StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version Print Sponsor FULL ELECTION COVERAGE Electoral College votes Winning post 270 Obama - Democrat 365 McCain - Republican 173 Select from the list below to view state level results. [Select a state] GO Full election results KEY STORIES World leaders hail Obama triumph Full text: Obama's victory speech Missouri loses bellwether status Six-term senator loses in Alaska Democrats score huge Congress win California bans same-sex marriage ANALYSIS Barack Obama, 21 July, 2007, Des Moines, Iowa Dream come true How Obama defied the past to shape the future The US election in figures The shape of Obama's new team Sarah Palin's next move Obama victory offers hope to Iran What next for the Republicans? Why Obama took the White House Challenges ahead Inside the presidential in-tray BLOGS HAVE YOUR SAY Barack Obama's new administration Readers' views from around the world VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Barack Obama makes video address Obama makes YouTube address John McCain and Barack Obama Obama and McCain vow to 'fix US' Barack Obama Obama's victory speech in full RELATED INTERNET LINKS The White House The US House of Representatives US Senate The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites MOST POPULAR STORIES NOW * SHARED * READ * WATCHED/LISTENED * Do the dead outnumber the living? * Cardboard Ayatollah lampooned * 7 billion people and you: What's your number? * Viewpoint: The connected workforce * Fireman stands in for air control Most popular now, in detail * SHARED * READ * WATCHED/LISTENED * Do the dead outnumber the living? * Europe hit by Russia gas shortage * Briton 'seen falling from liner' * UN 'to vote on Syria resolution' * Anger over NY police Muslim memo * Much of Britain braced for snow * Week in pictures: 28 January-3 February * Artist set for Facebook windfall * Thousands in rival Moscow marches * The 'new homeless' of Greece Most popular now, in detail * SHARED * READ * WATCHED/LISTENED * video Heavy rains cause havoc in Australia * video US treasure hunters seek lost platinum * video Dog's death ends cat owner battle * video One-minute World News * video Temperatures 'set to reach -12' * video 'Flying people' and other tech news * video Tourists staying away from Egypt * video Russian fuel supplies shortage * video Elderly 'must take cold seriously' * video Cardboard Ayatollah lampooned Most popular now, in detail FEATURES, VIEWS, ANALYSIS Saudi women wait in line in the 'women section' at of a resturant in the 'Faysalia' mall in Riyadh City FROM TODAY >> Secret kingdom Undercurrents in Saudi society Danielle and her mother Four-pig wife An edible dowry for an Australian bride in PNG Duff McKagan Sobering up Guns N' Roses' bassist McKagan's 'wake-up call' Most Popular Now Most Popular Now | 65,057 people are reading stories on the site right now."; Skip to top PRODUCTS & SERVICES * E-mail news * Mobiles * Widgets & Alerts * News feeds * Podcasts Search term: ____________________ Search bbc.co.uk navigation * News * Sport * Weather * Travel * TV * Radio * More * CBBC * CBeebies * Comedy * Food * Health * History * Learning * Music * Science * Nature * Local * Northern Ireland * Scotland * Wales * Full A-Z of BBC sites Site links * News Sources * About BBC News BBC links * About the BBC * BBC Help * Contact Us * Accessibility Help * Terms of Use * Careers * Privacy & Cookies * Advertise With Us * Ad Choices BBC (c) 2012 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 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