
Monday 30 January 2012

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Hillary Clinton sees end of White House dream

Hillary Clinton is preparing what her aides, many of whom are being laid off, privately describe as a "valedictory" speech in New York as the final votes are cast in Democratic primaries.

Hillary Clinton
Mrs Clinton's campaign began early last year with her being considered the 'inevitable' nominee Photo: GETTY

Although Senator Clinton was still making her case aggressively to uncommitted super-delegates – the party officials in whose hands her fate lies – members of her advance staff who set up campaign events were recalled home and told their jobs were ending.

The former First Lady normally holds primary night "victory" events in a state that has just voted or is about to vote. But she is bracing herself for a double defeat in South Dakota and Montana and is instead heading for her home state of New York.

Five months to the day after Iowans braved snow and ice to attend their caucuses, the epic Democratic primary race will come to an end in the wide open spaces beneath the sun setting in the big sky of Montana.

Clinton sources said that although she was unlikely to concede the Democratic nomination to Senator Barack Obama or to endorse him, she recognised her dreams of returning to the White House were over until at least 2012. A concession speech in New York later in the week is a possibility.

Mr Obama needs the support of fewer than three dozen of the remaining 160 or so super-delegates still on the fence. With an insurmountable lead in the total of pledged delegates – those allocated by primary and caucus votes – he is expected to achieve that by Tuesday.

After the New York event, Mrs Clinton is due to return to Washington and spend the day conferring with her husband Bill, daughter Chelsea and senior aides at her headquarters in nearby Arlington, Virginia.

Mr Obama, in contrast, has already turned his attention to the general election against Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. Anita Dunn, a senior Obama adviser, told ABC News he would not be waiting for Mrs Clinton to concede.

"He's not going to wait by the phone like a high-school girl waiting for a date."

He was campaigning in Troy, Michigan – a state whose primary contest was initially invalidated by the Democratic Party because it was held too early.

A safely Democratic state in recent elections, Mr Obama's advisers believe he has much ground to catch up there, particularly among the white working-class voters who have voted so heavily for Mrs Clinton in recent contests.

In Puerto Rico, which she won by a 36-point margin on Sunday, Mrs Clinton already appeared to be looking back wistfully at her campaign, which formally began early last year with her being considered the "inevitable" nominee.

"A lot of the people who have worked their hearts out for me in this primary season, they're not quitters in their own lives," she said.

"It's been a privilege and an honour to have met so many Americans, been to so many of the beautiful places in this country, and I feel like I'm doing it for the right reasons."

Mrs Clinton appeared close to tears as she described what she called "one of the most incredibly gratifying experiences" of her life – having her daughter, Chelsea, 28, campaigning for her.
