joke joke accident was no joke. tie was the joke of the office. v., joked, jok·ing, jokes. 1. To tell or play jokes; jest. SYNONYMS joke, jest, witticism, quip, sally, crack, wisecrack, gag. laughter or amusement. Joke especially denotes an amusing story with a punch line at the end: told jokes at the party. Jest suggests joke Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler Joke Around SNTV - Julie Bowen jokes about Scarlett Miley Cyrus Jokes with the Paps SNTV - Amanda Seyfried Loves Dirty Jokes and Kissing joke 1. To make jokes; behave playfully: jest. Informal clown (around), joke Joke parodistic Musical Joke (Ein musikalischer Spass k 522, 1787) for joke Joke something is derided as "a joke." categories related to 'joke' For a list of words related to joke, see: * Expressions of Feeling - joke: make humorous remarks; poke fun at; * Pranks and Tricks - joke: (vb) toy playfully with someone joke See words rhyming with "joke." joke [icon-crosswrd.png] See crossword solutions for the clue Joke. Joke This article is about the form of humour. For other uses, see Joke * 2 Antiquity of jokes * 3 Psychology of jokes * 4 Jokes in organizations * 7 Types of jokes A joke (or gag) is a phrase or a paragraph with a humorous twist. It achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The joke is said to have "fallen flat" or "bombed". However, jokes have Antiquity of jokes Jokes have been a part of human culture since at least 1900 BC. of Wolverhampton, a fart joke from ancient Sumer is currently believed to be the world's oldest known joke.^[1] Britain's oldest joke, contains some 260 jokes. Considering humour from our own culture as breath were favourites. A lot of the jokes play on the idea of knowing There is even a joke similar to Monty Python's "Dead Parrot" sketch: a jokes I've seen in people's acts nowadays, slightly updated. They put Psychology of jokes Why people laugh at jokes has been the subject of serious academic transformed into nothing." Here is Kant's 220-year old joke and his * Sigmund Freud's "Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious". (Der related to the human brain. In his opinion jokes and laughter he argues, jokes are usually not as funny when you hear them explains a lot about jokes. For example: + Why jokes are only funny the first time they are told: once + Why jokes have an elaborate and often repetitive set up: The common method used in jokes is to tell almost the same story + Why jokes often rely on stereotypes: the use of a stereotype + Why jokes are variants on well-known stories (e.g. the genie world's funniest joke [1]. Laughter, the intended human reaction to jokes, is healthy in Jokes in organizations Jokes can be employed by workers as a way to identify with their jobs. For example, 9-1-1 operators often crack jokes about incongruous, This use of humour and cracking jokes helps employees differentiate That a joke is best when it expresses the maximum level of humour with elements of a joke.^[citation needed] An example from George Carlin: examples of jokes where the very length is itself the pattern-breaking versions of the popular vaudevillian joke The Aristocrats can go on for several minutes, and it is considered an anti-joke, as the humour is The joke's content (meaning) is not what provokes the laugh, it just makes the salience of the joke and provokes a smile. What makes us laugh is the joke mechanism. Milton Berle demonstrated this with a classic theatre experiment in the 1950s: if during a series of jokes you insert phrases that are not jokes, but with the same rhythm, the laugh, but the disparity between the expectation of a "joke" and being saved. The profound meaning of a comic gag or a comic joke is "I'm a joke. For example in Side Effects (By Destiny Denied story) by Woody way. The profound meaning behind a wit joke is "I have dangerous figure of speech) that can be used to make jokes.^[10] the joke erases an emotion that should be felt about an event, making us insensitive to it.e.g.: "yo momma" jokes. The profound meaning of the void feeling of a humour joke is "I'm a cynic". An example from This field of jokes is still a grey area, being mostly unexplored. folklore of the United States, collect jokes into joke cycles. A cycle is a collection of jokes with a particular theme or a particular * the Helen Keller Joke Cycle that comprises jokes about Helen * Viola jokes^[14] * the NASA, Challenger, or Space Shuttle Joke Cycle that comprises jokes relating to the Space Shuttle Challenger * the Chernobyl Joke Cycle that comprises jokes relating to the * the Polish Pope Joke Cycle that comprises jokes relating to Pope * the Essex girl and the Stupid Irish joke cycles in the United * the Dead Baby Joke Cycle^[21] * the Newfie Joke Cycle that comprises jokes made by Canadians about * the Little Willie Joke Cycle, and the Quadriplegic Joke Cycle^[23] * the Jew Joke Cycle and the Polack Joke Cycle^[24] * the Rastus and Liza Joke Cycle, which Dundes describes as "the most vicious and widespread white anti-Negro joke cycle"^[25] * the Jewish American Princess and Jewish American Mother joke * The Wind-up doll joke cycle^[27] * The "Blonde joke" cycle. Gruner discusses several "sick joke" cycles that occurred upon events Pryor, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson, noting how several jokes were recycled from one cycle to the next. For example: A joke about Vic Berger asserts that "whenever there is a popular joke cycle, there lingering below the surface, that the joke cycle helps people deal Types of jokes Jokes often depend on the humour of the unexpected, the mildly taboo off stereotypes and other cultural beliefs. Many jokes fit into more Political jokes are usually a form of satire. They generally concern country's political situation. A prominent example of political jokes would be political cartoons. Two large categories of this type of jokes professions such as lawyers, and in-jokes told by professionals to each Mathematical jokes are a form of in-joke, generally designed to be jokes.) Ethnic jokes exploit ethnic stereotypes. They are often racist and For example, the British tell jokes starting "An Englishman, an Such jokes exist among numerous peoples. Jokes based on other stereotypes (such as blonde jokes) are often Religious jokes fall into several categories: * Jokes based on stereotypes associated with people of religion (e.g. nun jokes, priest jokes, or rabbi jokes) * Jokes on classical religious subjects: crucifixion, Adam and Eve, * Jokes that collide different religious denominations: "A rabbi, a racial and stereotype jokes, but involves the targets laughing at A similar situation exists in the Scandinavian "Ole and Lena" joke. Dirty jokes are based on taboo, often sexual, content or vocabulary. Other taboos are challenged by sick jokes and gallows humour, and to joke about disability is considered in this group.^[citation needed] Surrealist or minimalist jokes exploit semantic inconsistency, for Anti-jokes are jokes that are not funny in regular sense, and often can be decidedly unfunny, but rely on the let-down from the expected joke An elephant joke is a joke, almost always a riddle or conundrum and Jokes involving non-sequitur humour, with parts of the joke being those jokes make fun of tragedies like death, accidents, wars, The question/answer joke, sometimes posed as a common riddle, has a joke, light bulb joke, the many variations on "why did the chicken _______ and a ______" joke, where the punch line is often a pun or a Some jokes require a double act, where one respondent (usually the person telling the joke. This is more common in performance than informal joke-telling. A shaggy dog story is an extremely long and involved joke with an realising it is a joke, and not a serious anecdote, the more successful * East Frisian jokes * Irish jokes * Joke chess problem * Mathematical joke * Polish joke * Practical jokes * Roman jokes * Russian jokes * The Funniest Joke in the World * World's funniest joke 1. ^ 'World's oldest joke' traced back to 1900 BC. 2. ^ Adams, Stephen (July 31, 2008). "The world's oldest jokes 3. ^ Classic gags discovered in ancient Roman joke book March 13, 2009 jokes and crafting selves: Sensemaking and identity management 12. ^ Salvatore Attardo (2001). "Beyond the Joke". Humorous Texts: A 13. ^ K. Hirsch and M.E. Barrick (1980). "The Hellen Keller Joke 14. ^ Carl Rahkonen (Winter 2000). "No Laughing Matter: The Viola Joke 15. ^ Elizabeth Radin Simons (October 1986). "The NASA Joke Cycle: The 16. ^ Willie Smyth (October 1986). "Challenger Jokes and the Humor of 17. ^ Elliott Oring (July â September 1987). "Jokes and the Discourse 19. ^ Alan Dundes (April â June 1979). "Polish Pope Jokes". The Journal 20. ^ Christie Davies (1998). Jokes and Their Relation to Society. 21. ^ Alan Dundes (July 1979). "The Dead Baby Joke Cycle". Western 22. ^ Christie Davies (2002). "Jokes about Newfies and Jokes told by 23. ^ Christie Davies (1999). "Jokes on the Death of Diana". In eJulian * Mary Douglas "Jokes." in Rethinking Popular Culture: Contemporary 7230 1. Chapter 2: The AIDS Joke as Cultural Form. Philosophy of Jokes. New York: W. W. Norton. ISBN 0393066738. * Grace Hui Chin Lin & Paul Shih Chieh Chien, (2009) Taiwanese Jokes Look up joke in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. * Jokes at the Open Directory Project â An active listing of links to jokes. Joke * beyond a joke nu er det ikke morsomt længere, nu gÃ¥r det for * cannot take a joke kan ikke tage en spøg, kan ikke klare at * make a joke of lave grin med, holde for nar * no joke ingen spøg, det er ikke sjovt * the joke is on det gÃ¥r ud over n. - plaisanterie, blague, tour, farce, risée * beyond a joke la plaisanterie a assez duré * cannot take a joke ne pas comprendre la plaisanterie * make a joke of tourner qch à la plaisanterie * no joke ce n'est pas une petite affaire, ce n'est pas * the joke is on la plaisanterie se retourne contre (qn) * beyond a joke da hört der Spaà auf * cannot take a joke versteht keinen Spaà * make a joke of über etwas (ernstes) lachen * no joke nicht zum Lachen * the joke is on jmd. ist der Narr * beyond a joke ÏÎ¿Ï Î¾ÎµÏεÏνάει Ïα ÏÏια ÏÎ¿Ï Î±ÏÏÎµÎ¯Î¿Ï * cannot take a joke δεν ÏηκÏÎ½Ï Î±ÏÏεία * make a joke of γελοιοÏÎ¿Î¹Ï * no joke ÏοβαÏή ÏÏÏθεÏη * the joke is on η ÏÏÏθεÏη ÏÏÏÎÏεÏαι ÎµÎ¹Ï Î²Î¬ÏÎ¿Ï ÏÎ¿Ï * beyond a joke al di là del gioco, affare più serio di quel che * cannot take a joke essere permaloso * make a joke of prendere in giro * no joke seriamente * the joke is on chi passa per stupido é * beyond a joke situação (f) séria ou preocupante * cannot take a joke não aceita brincadeiras * make a joke of caçoar de * no joke sério, sem brincadeira * the joke is on o feitiço virou contra o feiticeiro (fig.) * beyond a joke ÑеÑÑÐµÐ·Ð½Ð°Ñ ÑиÑÑаÑÐ¸Ñ * cannot take a joke не понимаÑÑ ÑÑÑок * make a joke of ÑвеÑÑи к ÑÑÑке, обÑаÑиÑÑ Ð² ÑÑÑÐºÑ * no joke не ÑÑÑка, дело ÑеÑÑезное * the joke is on оÑÑаÑÑÑÑ Ð² дÑÑÐ°ÐºÐ°Ñ * beyond a joke pasar de castaño oscuro * cannot take a joke no sabe tomar las bromas * make a joke of hacer un chiste de * no joke no es broma * the joke is on la vÃctima de la broma es * beyond a joke ç©ç¬å¼å¾å¤ªè¿ç« * cannot take a joke ç»ä¸èµ·å¼ç©ç¬ * make a joke of å¼...çç©ç¬ * no joke ä¸æ¯é¹çç©ç * the joke is on å¨ä»¥ä¸ºèªå·±èªæçå¼ä»äººç©ç¬ä¹å被æå¼çåèæ¯èªå·± * beyond a joke ç©ç¬éå¾å¤ªéç« * cannot take a joke ç¶ä¸èµ·éç©ç¬ * make a joke of é...çç©ç¬ * no joke ä¸æ¯é¬§èç©ç * the joke is on å¨ä»¥çºèªå·±è°æçéä»äººç©ç¬ä¹å¾è¢«æ²å¼çåèæ¯èªå·± * beyond a joke ìì´ ë길 ì ìë * make a joke of ëë´íë¤ * the joke is on ì´ë¦¬ìì´ë³´ì´ë * beyond a joke ç¬ããªã * cannot take a joke ç¬ã£ã¦ãã¾ããªã * make a joke of åè«ãè¨ã * no joke åè«äºãããªã * the joke is on ãã¾ãããããã Wikipedia article Joke. Read more * April fool (victim of a joke or trick) * in-joke * What a Joke/Stay of Execution (2000 Album by Deliverance) IFRAME: /main/noscript_ads.jsp?title=joke&ntabs=13&category=