Meta-joke Meta-joke refers to several somewhat different, but related categories: self-referential jokes, jokes about jokes (also known as metahumor), and joke templates.^[citation needed] * 1 Self-referential jokes * 2 Joke about jokes (metahumor) * 3 Joke template [edit] Self-referential jokes This kind of meta-joke is a joke in which a familiar class of jokes is part of the joke. Examples of meta-jokes: some kind of joke?" looks around and says, "Saints preserve us! I'm in the wrong joke!" * A self-referential knock-knock joke: * A self-referential meta-joke: I've never meta-joke I didn't like. [edit] Joke about jokes (metahumor) that the joke explicitly talks about other jokes, a usage similar to Jokes and Legal Culture cites a meta-joke in a speech of Chief Justice I've often started off with a lawyer joke, a complete caricature of didn't think the jokes were funny and the non-lawyers didn't know they were jokes. Another kind of metahumor is when jokes make fun of poor jokes by alternative. Such jokes expose the fundamental criterion for joke their routines. Hedberg would often follow up a joke with an admission that it was poorly told, or insist to the audience that "that joke was superior to those of the perceived poor joke and serve to cover an career, used to get uproarious laughs when reacting to a failed joke joke by miming writing on a paper pad and murmuring into the microphone something along the lines of "must make joke funnier" or "don't use In the U.S. version of the British mockumentary The Office, many jokes are founded on making fun of poor jokes. Examples include Dwight Schrute butchering the Aristocrats joke, or Michael Scott awkwardly writing in a fellow employee's card an offensive joke, and then attempting to cover it with more unbearable bad jokes. can be told in polite company: "A limerick packs jokes anatomical/ Into [edit] Joke template This kind of meta-joke is a sarcastic jab at the fact that some jokes 4. ^ Marc Galanter, "Lowering the Bar: Lawyer Jokes and Legal "" * Jokes