Ben Shires

4 November 2011

Posted by:
Ben Shires

The Dave Weekly podcast

Listen to Episode 11: Tim Vine, Adam Hills and Black Beauty. He's a dark horse

Posted by Ben Shires on 4 Nov 11
Ben and Tim Vine

Blimey, is it that time of the week again already? These things seem to come round quicker than a Kim Kardashian divorce, but I’ve checked the diary and despite the horological Gods trying to fool us by putting the clocks back, it’s definitely the blogging hour.

Despite the aforementioned tragic demise of Ms Kardashian’s nuptials, and with it the undermining of the sanctity of marriage itself, this week’s episode has risen like a phoenix from Kim’s smouldering confetti ashes. And stoking those flames is a man who, if comics were motorways would be the MPun, Mr. Tim Vine.

Now, previous listeners and those who know me will be well aware of my deep seated dislike of puns and wordplay in general, arising from an unpleasant incident whereby I was mauled by a particularly vicious one-liner as a child (@Pronger69 could be very cruel). Those who know me will also know that the previous sentence is complete bunkum (apart from the bit about my dad) and there is literally NOTHING I like better than a cheeky witticism, or in this case, a veritable barrage of them. And when I say literally, I mean literally. I have in the past been known to give up food in favour of dining solely on the delicious jokes found on the back of Penguin wrappers, occasionally licking the chocolate off the other side for sustenance when absolutely necessary.

Fortunately, Tim, the nation’s foremost machine punner, was more than happy to feed my insatiable appetite, and with me offering verbal hors d’oeuvres as well we were soon talking almost exclusively in witty riddles, or whittles. Which is coincidental, as Whittle is also the name of Tim’s fondly remembered Channel 5 game show from the mid-90s, a subject we discussed with glee. And I don’t mean the Amreican high school musical drama series, Tim has not appeared on that as yet.

Ben and Adam Hills

Someone else who hasn’t been on Glee is this week’s other guest Adam Hills, though with his ever-growing international renown it’s surely only a matter of time. Fortunately, all this high praise hadn’t gone to Adam’s head and we were able to spend a very pleasant morning sat on a park bench, discussing all manner of life’s trifling details. It almost seemed a shame to have to shove microphones under our noses and record the damn thing, but shove we must.

And with the word shove still ringing in your ears and maybe other orifices too, it’s time to once again bid you adieu.

Goodbye for now, Fraulines and Frownlines x

Listen to the podcast below or download it for FREE from iTunes now!

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