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The Next Revolution Article 
A revolution is a change in the way we think. Elevated thinking can take us forward, in making this world a better place for us all.
Revolution and Repentance Article 
In a time when much of the Middle East is engulfed in civil turmoil it is time to consider Christ's call for his followers to rebel against worldliness.
Egypt's Revolution Article 
After 18 days of massive protests, Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for 30 years, had finally stepped down and handed over his authority to the military.
The Egyptian Revolution Article 
The Egyptian people are teaching the world many invaluable lessons.
The Industrial Revolution Article 
During the early 1800s a process of modernization, social and economic development along with technological innovation took place in the United States.
The Carignan Revolution Article 
Will this little-known blending grape become an important single-variety wine in the years ahead?
There Was No "Reagan Revolution" Article 
Devotees of former President Ronald Reagan love to refer to the "Reagan Revolution" or the "Conservative Revolution," but there was no such thing.
The Revolution of 1800 Article 
Following Thomas Jefferson's presidential election in 1800, Jefferson and the Republicans proved that a real revolution had taken place, like in 1776.
The Glorious Revolution Article 
The foundations for Britain's constitutional monarchy were laid when James II was forced to abdicate in favour of William III and Mary II.
The Twitter Revolution Article 
Twitter has become one of the major social networks on the internet in just two years. Twitter and other micro blogging sites prove the power of words.
The Scientific Revolution Article 
The Renaissance transformed art, and the Reformation revolutionised religion, but it was the scientific revolution that produced a whole new view of the universe
The French Revolution Article 
As several sources of disaffection came to a head, France exploded into revolution at the end of the 18th century
A Snacking Revolution Article has bought a new dimension to healthy, quick snacking, and their customer orientated brand is designed for ease and nutrition.
The Military Revolution Article 
For more than fifty years now, the term "Military Revolution" has been utilized by military historians and early modernists alike.
The Peace Revolution Article 
A New Generation has taken the initiative to create World Peace through Inner Peace.
The Agricultural Revolution Article 
The move from nomadic tribalism to the establishment of sedentary communities coincided with a food revolution tied to agricultural exploitation.
Poetry of Revolution Article 
Throughout history, poetry has served as a call to arms for nations to unite in times of war and then as a romantic historical account of how those wars played out.
Was the Revolution Conservative? Article 
In his famous book "The American Revolution: Revolution Without Dogma," Daniel J. Boorstin argues the American Revolution was essentially a conservative movement.
The Industrial Revolution Article 
The Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived and worked in the nineteenth century, causing the rise of modern urban living.
The Saffron Revolution Article 
Why are monks and nuns demonstrating in Burma? What do they want and is it justified?