#BBC NEWS | UK Low Graphics Skip to main content Access keys help BBC logo * Home * News * Sport * Radio * TV * Weather * Languages __________ go [an error occurred while processing this directive] Low graphics|Accessibility help BBC News watch One-Minute World News mobiles News services Your news when you want it News Front Page [USEMAP:v3_map_world_rb.gif] Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales UK Politics Education Magazine Business Health Science & Environment Technology Entertainment Also in the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Programmes Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports RELATED BBC SITES * SPORT * WEATHER * ON THIS DAY * EDITORS' BLOG [agencyrep_bbc_usa_uk_home] [4778615.stm~RS~r~RS~(none)~RS~q~RS~~RS~z~RS~27~RS~] Last Updated: Saturday, 12 August 2006, 09:23 GMT 10:23 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Baggage advice for UK passengers Aeroplane The suspected plot was to blow up planes mid-flight Hand luggage advice Strict security measures have been brought in for air passengers flying from the UK after a suspected plot to blow up planes was prevented. The arrangements, announced by the Department for Transport, apply to all passengers starting their journey at a UK airport, and to those transferring between flights at a British airport. All cabin baggage must be processed as hold baggage and carried in the hold of passenger aircraft departing UK airports. Passengers may take through the airport security search area, in a single, transparent plastic carrier bag, only the following items. Nothing may be carried in pockets: Pocket-size wallets and pocket-size purses plus contents (for example money, credit cards, identity cards, etc - not handbags) Travel documents essential for the journey (for example passports and tickets) Prescription medicines and medical items sufficient and essential for the flight (eg, diabetic kit), except in liquid form unless verified as authentic. Passengers are advised to bring medicines in containers where the seal has not been broken Spectacles and sunglasses, without cases Contact lens holders, without bottles of solution For those travelling with an infant: baby food, milk (the contents of each bottle must be tasted by the accompanying passenger) and sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight (nappies, wipes, creams and nappy disposal bags) Female sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight, if unboxed (eg tampons, pads, towels and wipes) Tissues (unboxed) and/or handkerchiefs Keys (but no electrical key fobs). All passengers must be hand searched, and their footwear and all the items they are carrying must be X-ray screened. Pushchairs and walking aids must be X-ray screened, and only airport-provided wheelchairs may pass through the screening point. Any purchases made in departure lounges will be permitted onboard aircraft, with the exception of those flying to the US. Those travelling to the US will be able to purchase goods for consumption in the airport but no additional items, other than those on the list, can be carried onto the aircraft. In addition to the above, all passengers boarding flights to the US and all the items they are carrying must be subjected to secondary search at the boarding gate. Extra time Any liquids discovered will be removed from the passenger. There are no changes to current hold baggage security measures. Passengers are being asked to allow themselves plenty of extra time and to ensure that other than the few permitted items listed above, all their belongings are placed in their hold baggage and checked in. If passengers have any questions on their travel arrangements or security in place at airports they should contact their airline or carrier. 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