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Art class ‘draws’ a big following

Artwork by Muriel Griffiths

Artwork by Muriel Griffiths

RESIDENTS at a Scarborough care home have been showing their artistic skills.

Scarborough Hall Care Home, in Mount View Avenue, runs an arts and crafts class, which has proved a great success.

Recreation co-ordinator Eli Figueiredo said: “There is always a great turn-out for this weekly event. We strongly believe that keeping residents mentally active is as important as general good health.”

A refurbishment of the home, which was taken over by care provider Avery Healthcare last December, will be completed shortly with 85 en-suite rooms, flower gardens, a hair salon and hotel-style catering.

Manager Charlotte Thompson said: “The injection of cash has not only raised general standards but also improved the quality of ‘softer benefits’ such as well considered recreational and leisure activities, the value of which are often underestimated.”

Organisations interested in becoming involved with the home can call (01723) 381594.

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Tuesday 31 January 2012

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Light snow

Light snow

Temperature: 1 C to 3 C

Wind Speed: 22 mph

Wind direction: East


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Temperature: -0 C to 5 C

Wind Speed: 21 mph

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