#China Economics Blog IFRAME: http://www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID=5458209304128232367&blogNa me=China+Economics+Blog&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=SI LVER&layoutType=LAYOUTS&searchRoot=http://china-economics-blog.blogspot .com/search&blogLocale=en_GB&homepageUrl=http://china-economics-blog.bl ogspot.com/&vt=-2886297101209315154 skip to main | skip to sidebar China Economics Blog A place to find news, observations, statistics, information on undergraduate (BSc and BA economics) postgraduate (MSc economics) and academic analysis of important issues for China's economy including economic growth, inequality, stockmarket, shares, exchange rates, the environment, foreign direct investment, WTO and much more Wednesday, 4 May 2011 The serious consequences of "supply and demand" in China The natural reaction of a farmer to an increase in the price of a crop is to plant more of it for the following year. Supply and demand. The difficulty comes in realising that you are not the only one thinking the same thing - the result is price bubbles leading to price crashes. The role of the "middle man" or "supply chain" is particularly interesting in this story. Is this merely a lack of information on behlaf of the farmer? The introduction of widespread mobile phone technologies should help. But what about the road tolls? There are some interesting economics to dig into here. The Diplomat covers the story: China's Unhappy, Uneven Growth [The Diplomat] ../ But one incident stands out for me as representing an issue the government should be particularly ashamed over - the suicide of a farmer in Shandong Province. When the prices of vegetables surged last year, the farmer in question cultivated large numbers of cabbages, believing that this particular vegetable could fetch a good price this year. However, he discovered that no one would buy his crop because too many people had already grown the vegetable, the wholesale price of which had plunged to a low of 8 Chinese cents per pound. The despair became too much for the farmer as he watched his cabbages rot, and he committed suicide by drinking pesticide. His death captured the public's attention, especially after it was found that although the wholesale price of cabbages was eight cents, they were being sold for a dollar on the market. So, who has been pocketing the difference? The answer is found in the distribution chain. For a plate of vegetables to be placed on the dining table, it has to go through numerous processes, including testing, approval, loading, wholesale and distribution. The most important significant cost in all this is logistical, namely road toll fees. Some netizens have calculated that the toll fees incurred in sending a batch of vegetables from Sichuan Province to Beijing is about 5,000 renminbi. All this means that people living in the cities don't see any fall in the price of vegetables, despite the low price paid to farmers. In fact, inflation just keeps rising - the growth in the consumer price index in March climbed to 5.4 percent year on year. Back to the farmer who killed himself. In my view, the government needs to ask itself this: Why is the price of vegetables causing farmers AND consumers in the cities such misery? The government has stressed that it will try to ensure its citizens lead happy lives. However, a recently concluded survey showed that 70 percent of those polled said they didn't feel they have a good life. This one high-profile death should therefore serve as yet another warning to the government that the development of China - now the world's second-largest economy - is leaving many people behind. . Posted by ChinaEconomist at 05:07 0 comments Labels: economy Tuesday, 3 May 2011 The economics of dams in China - water wars on the horizon? China is a thirsty country that needs a lot of water. To this end it is using a lot of dams in some very sensitive areas. There are a whole lot of "externalities" involved with dam production for those upstream, downstream and round about. When those people live in different countries things can get messy quickly especially if two of those countries and China and India. I like the concluding statement: "Scarcity in a zero sum situation can lead to conflict but it can also goad countries into more cooperative behavior. It's a bleak picture, but I'm not without hope." The author of the quote has more hope than I do - I can only guess that he is not an economist. Water wars? Thirsty, energy-short China stirs fear [Yahoo] BAHIR JONAI, India - The wall of water raced through narrow Himalayan gorges in northeast India, gathering speed as it raked the banks of towering trees and boulders. When the torrent struck their island in the Brahmaputra river, the villagers remember, it took only moments to obliterate their houses, possessions and livestock. No one knows exactly how the disaster happened, but everyone knows whom to blame: neighboring China. "We don't trust the Chinese," says fisherman Akshay Sarkar at the resettlement site where he has lived since the 2000 flood. "They gave us no warning. They may do it again." About 800 kilometers (500 miles) east, in northern Thailand, Chamlong Saengphet stands in the Mekong river, in water that comes only up to her shins. She is collecting edible river weeds from dwindling beds. A neighbor has hung up his fishing nets, his catches now too meager. Using words bordering on curses, they point upstream, toward China. The blame game, voiced in vulnerable river towns and Asian capitals from Pakistan to Vietnam, is rooted in fear that China's accelerating program of damming every major river flowing from the Tibetan plateau will trigger natural disasters, degrade fragile ecologies, divert vital water supplies. A few analysts and environmental advocates even speak of water as a future trigger for war or diplomatic strong-arming, though others strongly doubt it will come to that. Still, the remapping of the water flow in the world's most heavily populated and thirstiest region is happening on a gigantic scale, with potentially strategic implications. On the eight great Tibetan rivers alone, almost 20 dams have been built or are under construction while some 40 more are planned or proposed. China is hardly alone in disrupting the region's water flows. Others are doing it with potentially even worse consequences. But China's vast thirst for power and water, its control over the sources of the rivers and its ever-growing political clout make it a singular target of criticism and suspicion. "Whether China intends to use water as a political weapon or not, it is acquiring the capability to turn off the tap if it wants to -- a leverage it can use to keep any riparian neighbors on good behavior," says Brahma Chellaney, an analyst at New Delhi's Center for Policy Research and author of the forthcoming "Water: Asia's New Battlefield." Analyst Neil Padukone calls it "the biggest potential point of contention between the two Asian giants," China and India. But the stakes may be even higher since those eight Tibetan rivers serve a vast west-east arc of 1.8 billion people stretching from Pakistan to Vietnam's Mekong river delta. Suspicions are heightened by Beijing's lack of transparency and refusal to share most hydrological and other data. Only China, along with Turkey, has refused to sign a key 1997 U.N. convention on transnational rivers. Beijing gave no notice when it began building three dams on the Mekong -- the first completed in 1993 -- or the $1.2 billion Zangmu dam, the first on the mainstream of the 2,880-kilometer (1,790-mile) Brahmaputra which was started last November and hailed in official media as "a landmark priority project." The 2000 flood that hit Sarkar's village, is widely believed to have been caused by the burst of an earthen dam wall on a Brahmaputra tributary. But China has kept silent. "Until today, the Indian government has no clue about what happened," says Ravindranath, who heads the Rural Volunteer Center. He uses only one name. Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has also warned of looming dangers stemming from the Tibetan plateau. "It's something very, very essential. So, since millions of Indians use water coming from the Himalayan glaciers... I think you (India) should express more serious concern. This is nothing to do with politics, just everybody's interests, including Chinese people," he said in New Delhi last month. Beijing normally counters such censure by pointing out that the bulk of water from the Tibetan rivers springs from downstream tributaries, with only 13-16 percent originating in China. Officials also say that the dams can benefit their neighbors, easing droughts and floods by regulating flow, and that hydroelectric power reduces China's carbon footprint. China "will fully consider impacts to downstream countries," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu recently told The Associated Press. "We have clarified several times that the dam being built on the Brahmaputra River has a small storage capacity. It will not have large impact on water flow or the ecological environment of downstream." For some of China's neighbors, the problem is that they too are building controversial dams and may look hypocritical if they criticize China too loudly. The four-nation Mekong River Commission has expressed concerns not just about the Chinese dams but about a host of others built or planned in downstream countries. In northeast India, a broad-based movement is fighting central government plans to erect more than 160 dams in the region, and Laos and Cambodia have proposed plans for 11 Mekong dams, sparking environmental protest. Zangmu dam) was not a project designed to divert water and affect the welfare and availability of water to countries in the lower reaches," India's Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said after talks with his Chinese counterpart late last year. But at the grass roots, and among activists and even some government technocrats, criticism is expressed more readily. "Everyone knows what China is doing, but won't talk about it. China has real power now. If it says something, everyone follows," says Somkiat Khuengchiangsa, a Thai environmental advocate. Neither the Indian nor Chinese government responded to specific questions from the AP about the dams, but Beijing is signaling that it will relaunch mega-projects after a break of several years in efforts to meet skyrocketing demands for energy and water, reduce dependence on coal and lift some 300 million people out of poverty. Official media recently said China was poised to put up dams on the still pristine Nu River, known as the Salween downstream. Seven years ago as many as 13 dams were set to go up until Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao ordered a moratorium. That ban is regarded as the first and perhaps biggest victory of China's nascent green movement. "An improper exploitation of water resources by countries on the upper reaches is going to bring about environmental, social and geological risks," Yu Xiaogang, director of the Yunnan Green Watershed, told The Associated Press. "Countries along the rivers have already formed their own way of using water resources. Water shortages could easily ignite extreme nationalist sentiment and escalate into a regional war." But there is little chance the activists will prevail. "There is no alternative to dams in sight in China," says Ed Grumbine, an American author on Chinese dams. Grumbine, currently with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Yunnan province, notes that under its last five-year state plan, China failed to meet its hydroelectric targets and is now playing catch-up in its 2011-2015 plan as it strives to derive 15 percent of energy needs from non-fossil sources, mainly hydroelectric and nuclear. The arithmetic pointing to more dam-building is clear: China would need 140 megawatts of extra hydroelectric power to meet its goal. Even if all the dams on the Nu go up, they would provide only 21 megawatts. The demand for water region-wide will also escalate, sparking perhaps that greatest anxieties -- that China will divert large quantities from the Tibetan plateau for domestic use. Noting that Himalayan glaciers which feed the rivers are melting due to global warming, India's Strategic Foresight Group last year estimated that in the coming 20 years India, China, Nepal and Bangladesh will face a depletion of almost 275 billion cubic meters (360 billion cubic yards) of annual renewable water. Padukone expects China will have to divert water from Tibet to its dry eastern provinces. One plan for rerouting the Brahmaputra was outlined in an officially sanctioned 2005 book by a Chinese former army officer, Li Ling. Its title: "Tibet's Waters Will Save China," Analyst Chellaney believes "the issue is not whether China will reroute the Brahmaputra, but when." He cites Chinese researchers and officials as saying that after 2014 work will begin on tapping rivers flowing from the Tibetan plateau to neighboring countries Such a move, he says, would be tantamount to a declaration of war on India. Others are skeptical. Tashi Tsering, a Tibetan environmentalist at the University of British Columbia who is otherwise critical of China's policies, calls a Brahmaputra diversion "a pipe dream of some Chinese planners." Grumbine shares the skepticism. "The situation would have to be very dire for China to turn off the taps because the consequences would be huge," he said. "China would alienate every one of its neighbors and historically the Chinese have been very sensitive about maintaining secure borders." Whatever else may happen, riverside inhabitants along the Mekong and Brahmaputra say the future shock is now. A fisherman from his youth, Boonrian Chinnarat says the Mekong giant catfish, the world's largest freshwater fish, has all but vanished from the vicinity of Thailand's Had Krai village, other once bountiful species have been depleted, and he and fellow fishermen have sold their nets. He blames the Chinese dams. Phumee Boontom, headman of nearby Pak Ing village, warns that "If the Chinese keep the water and continue to build more dams, life along the Mekong will change forever." Already, he says, he has seen drastic variations in water levels following dam constructions, "like the tides of the ocean __ low and high in one day." Jeremy Bird, who heads the Mekong commission, an intergovernmental body of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos, sees a tendency to blame China for water-related troubles even when they are purely the result of nature. He says diplomacy is needed, and believes "engagement with China is improving." Grumbine agrees. "Given the enormous demand for water in China, India and Southeast Asia, if you maintain the attitude of sovereign state, we are lost," he says. "Scarcity in a zero sum situation can lead to conflict but it can also goad countries into more cooperative behavior. It's a bleak picture, but I'm not without hope." . Posted by ChinaEconomist at 08:05 0 comments Labels: Water Thursday, 28 April 2011 Is China's economy a cause for concern? The University of Birmingham's Director of the Business School, Professor David Dickinson reports on how he views recent developments in China's economy. A sensible comment that touches on a number of issues that this blog has talked about in recent posts. The Birmingham Brief Is China's economy a cause for concern? Questioning China's remarkable economic performance over the last 30 years seems to fly in the face of wisdom honed by decades of double digit growth. However, it is perfectly possible to explain China in the context of standard models of economic growth. Immigration of low-wage labour into the Eastern seaboard along with transfers of capital from Chinese Diaspora in Hong Kong, Taiwan and further afield, created the conditions for the `miracle'. This does not imply that China has not been an economic success story but puts the emphasis on standard factors rather than some special Chinese characteristics. China's policy-makers have been generally clever (or perhaps are fortunate to be able) to take a long-term view. They have also been sensible to limit the degree of economic liberalisation to the areas that will promote real economic growth. They have also given rein to the entrepreneurial instincts of the Chinese. However, times are troubling for the country and its policy-makers. Wages are rising, as are commodity prices, pushing up price inflation. The rich and dynamic regions have suffered unemployment and migration of workers back to their hometowns, although the continued revival of global demand post 2008 has reversed the trend. There has been a stock market bubble and more recently all the evidence of a real estate price bubble. Policy-makers have taken sensible measures to cool the economy but the pressure has yet to subside. The real problem is that China's economy is unbalanced for its long-run stability. The real exchange rate is kept artificially low despite recent appreciation. The financial sector is still very limited in scope creating the stampede of wealth into whatever asset is perceived to be the one to deliver high (and self-fulfilling) profits. Wages are continuing to rise and the reliance on low value-added manufacturing industry is not the basis for sustainable growth. To be sure China's policy-makers play a clever game. They are securing their long-run access to commodities through diplomacy and aid-giving in Africa (although recent events in the Northern part of the region may have caused them to re-assess the stability of some of the countries with which they do business). They recognise the importance of developing human as well as physical infrastructure in moving the economy to higher value-added industries. They are also aware of the inequalities that are being created as a result of the geographical concentration of growth. Movement to higher value-added industries requires building human capital which takes time. As people's human capital becomes greater they typically want the freedom to think for themselves. The export of Chinese students to universities in developed countries is one way of achieving domestic human capital growth and the policy to create world-class universities in China is another (longer-term) mechanism. But increasingly we are living in a world where human capital is mobile and high quality people will choose carefully where to pursue their careers. So are Chinese policy-makers willing and able to face the next stage of liberalisation of the economy and society for the country to move forward? Increasing the choices open to Chinese consumers through relaxing exchange rate restrictions, further opening of the financial sector, enhancing protection of intellectual property, giving free rein to innovative thinking and allowing more freedom of speech are some of the things required. We should all be considering the way in which Chinese policy-makers will react in the next few years since the success of the global economy is tied inextricably to the success of the China. Professor David G Dickinson, Birmingham Business School . Posted by ChinaEconomist at 13:34 0 comments Labels: economy Martket integration in China Hot on the heels of my last post signalling the end of market capitalism in China as we know it as part of "socialism 3.0" comes a paper looking at China's market integration from a more academic perspective. Market Integration in China Qingqing Chen Government of the United States of America - Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Chor-ching Goh World Bank Bo Sun Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Division of International Finance - International Banking and Finance Section Lixin Colin Xu affiliation not provided to SSRN April 1, 2011 World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5630 Abstract: Over the last three decades, China's product, labor, and capital markets have become gradually more integrated within its borders, although integration has been significantly slower for capital markets. There remains a significant urban-rural divide, and Chinese cities tend to be under-sized by international standards. China has also integrated globally, initially through the Special Economic Zones on the coast as launching grounds to connect with world markets, and subsequently through the accession to the World Trade Organization. For future policy considerations, this paper argues that its economic production needs to be spatially concentrated, and its social services need to be spread out to the interior to ensure harmonious development and domestic integration (through inclusive rural-urban transformations and effective territorial development). . Posted by ChinaEconomist at 07:52 0 comments Labels: economy, Research Papers Wednesday, 27 April 2011 Socialism 3.0 - the beginning of a new China? China is a country of many contradictions. On the one hand it is a single party communist state and on the other hand it has the most ruthless capitalist ethos I have witnessed. My reading is that the period of all out capitalism is drawing to an end. China has done what it needed to do to catch up, import technologies and learn learn learn. The result has been rising inequality and rising discontent. Enter stage left "Socialism 3.0". The Diplomat gives a good summary of the rise of the "new left" in China. This development is exactly what I would have expected. Is this development good or bad for world trade and development? Time will tell. Socialism 3.0 in China [The Diplomat] But while Bo's Chongqing has become a capital for China's New Left, it's not the only model competing for the attention of China's top leaders. Liberals and globally oriented modernizers have also drawn inspiration from local governments, especially reformist policies pursued by the governments of Shenzhen and Guangdong Province. ../ So what exactly do New Left thinkers believe the next wave of Chinese socialism is going to look like? For a start, they say, it's going to be a lot less like capitalism. They call for a major re-entry of the state into the economy, and point to Chongqing as proof that a large public sector can co-exist with a dynamic market. Over the past few years, as Chongqing has become a popular destination for factories relocating from the more developed coastal provinces, where wages and costs are rising, its GDP has grown by about 14 percent a year--much faster than the national average-providing fodder for left-wing academics to cast it as a model for growth. The political scientists of the New Left are using Chongqing, which has encouraged the expansion of state-owned enterprises, to respond to the economic argument shared by many market-oriented Chinese economists that state investment `crowds out' private enterprise (guo jin min tui). However, Cui Zhiyuan, a Qinghua University professor who has spent much of the last year conducting field research in Chongqing, argues that in Chongqing `It's not the state crowding out private enterprise...In fact, the state and the market develop together (guo jin min ye jin).' Wang agrees, citing the growth of private activity in the city, which has outpaced state investment. In fact he dismisses the idea of crowding out, writing `This kind of idea not only has absolutely no theoretical foundation, but it's been also been proved absurd by the practical experience of Chongqing...As the state's absolute role in the Chongqing economy has increased, its proportion of the economy has decreased.' In the Chongqing model, though, everything links back to the issues of poverty and inequality, and the government of Chongqing has turned the market profits of state-owned enterprises toward traditional socialist projects, using their revenue to fund the construction of affordable housing and transportation infrastructure. It's perhaps not surprising then that Bo's biggest policy hit is the affordable housing initiative for the city's poorest. The massive construction programme aims to provide cheap apartments to a third of the municipality's 30 million residents, a programme that has received national attention and clearly impressed the central government, which is rolling out a similar plan at a national level as part of the 12th Five-Year Plan. Bo has tried to cast his programme as a step past the single-minded focus on GDP that has defined Chinese policy since Deng. `It's not about how many tall buildings you have, it's how happy people are,' he argued in a 2009 speech to Chongqing Party members. These are exciting times for China and these developments should be watched carefully. Posted by ChinaEconomist at 06:17 0 comments Labels: economy Thursday, 21 April 2011 The Value of Education - $6.1million Always one to jump on a bandwagon is one is passing I must report the "Beijing Normal University Professor" quote again. The Diplomat gives a good summary. This is an interesting blog actually. I have been talking about the real estate bubble for a while. Who are the bubble-deniers? We must begin to work out what the fallout from a bubble bursting will be. It could get very ugly very quickly. The key is to understand who the large property speculators are over and above the man in the street (trying to find a wife - see previous story). The question with this story is what is he really trying to say. I can not quite put my finger on it. The Value of Education [The Diplomat] I'd like to share a memorable comment from earlier this month by a professor at Beijing Normal University. The remark is about more than just education - it has quickly become a source of entertainment among Chinese netizens, and even something of a social issue. On 4 April, a professor at one of the university's research centres wrote a microblog entry that was presumably meant to offer some encouragement for his students. `When you're 40 years-old, don't come and see me if your net worth isn't 40 million yuan ($6.1 million). And don't tell people that you were my student. To a highly-educated person, poverty means shame and failure.' The media immediately stirred up some debate on the issue, and many members of the public who responded were quick to argue that by emphasizing money, the professor had taken education back a step or two. The professor responded that the blog entry was a joke, a defence that prompted even more criticism. Some netizens joked that he clearly has a good grasp of how serious China's inflation problem is, noting that as his students are mainly in their 20s, by the time they are 40 years-old, 40 million yuan would be equivalent to about 10 million yuan now. I don't agree with trying to place a numerical value on education - even if a student becomes a teacher or ends up working in a shop they are still making a valuable contribution to society. But the comments raise another issue. The professor in question is a senior official at Beijing Normal University's real estate research centre. The university is meant to be a place for nurturing future teachers, so many are likely left wondering how it ended up specializing in real estate. China's real estate has been dubbed `black gold', and it seems now that even Beijing Normal University has been `polluted' by the real estate boom. This isn't the first time this professor has said something unbelievable. About a year ago, he said that there was no bubble in China's property market because demand is still high. He is also quoted as saying that people who oppose a `revival' in real estate are `hurting national interests'. He added that sceptics about an uptick in the real estate market were `anti-humanity'. The Chinese government, though, is clearly worried that there's a real estate bubble in parts of China, a view echoed by the IMF. With this in mind, it's difficult not to wonder what place the rosy views of the professor have at a reputable university. Maybe he's just trying to make a name for himself. And, if that's the goal, he's certainly succeeded. The worrying thing is that there are plenty more like him at Chinese universities. . Posted by ChinaEconomist at 15:17 0 comments Labels: Education Wednesday, 20 April 2011 Pictures of China in the 1800s Given China's rapid development it is always useful to look back in time to assess where China has come from to know where it is going. Rare Photographs of China in the 1800s [Environmental Graffiti] . Posted by ChinaEconomist at 07:14 0 comments Labels: History Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Add to Technorati Favorites Purpose This blog is written by an academic economist to document the rapidly changing Chinese economy and its local and global implications. This blog aims to be politically neutral. This blog also aims to help prospective overseas students by providing a definitive set of rankings and other information on Economics and Finance MSc programmes. 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Postgraduate Economics in the UK In this set of links we provide a list of MSc Economics courses by topic. World's Best Colleges and Universities ARWU2006-TOP 500 Universities Justification for inclusion in this list MSc Economics University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of East Anglia London School of Economics University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Sheffield University College London University of Warwick Economics and Econometrics University of Bristol University of Manchester University of Nottingham Econometrics and Mathematical Economics London School of Economics (2 years) International Economics University of Birmingham University of Nottingham Development Economics University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Nottingham University of Sheffield MSc International Money, Banking and Finance University of Birmingham MSc Money, Banking and Finance University of Birmingham University of Sheffield MSc Financial Economics University of Bristol University of East Anglia University of Oxford University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Sheffield MSc Environmental and Natural Resource Economics University of Birmingham University of East Anglia University College London MSc Economic Policy University of Birmingham MSc Behavioural Economics University of Nottingham China Economic Journals * ASEAN Economic Bulletin * Asia Pacific Review * Asian Development Review * Asian Economic Journal * China and the World Economy * China Economic Review * International Journal of Asian Studies * Journal of Asia-Pacific Business * Journal of Asian Economics * Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies * Journal of Development Economics * Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy * Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association * Pacific Economic Review * Review of Development Economics * The China Quarterly * The China Review * The Chinese Economy * The Singapore Economic Review * World Back Research Observer * World Development * World Economy * Wrold Bank Economic Review Alltop, all the top stories Translation software * Babelfish * Google China * Google Translation Academics Blogs - Blog Catalog Blog Directory Disclaimer This is a personal web site and as such reflects only the opinions of its authors. 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