Mortgage Refusals in a Tight Market

‘Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water……..’ You think you have your mortgage ducks in a row but you still get a refusal. The reasons for many of the current mortgage refusals include the lenders own problems, a perception of your status problems or a property related problem. Above [...]

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Economic Good News

‘Comparisons are as bad as cliches’ or so says the quote at the foot of my daily calendar on this last day of month one 2012. Not withstanding that I am in continued pursuit of good news for the economy and our personal finances. Good News In the Month The total amount of personal debt [...]

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Saving Money on Council Tax

When the Government introduced the Council tax in 1991, they rushed to get houses valued. They outsourced the job to estate agents and other people. Usually, they would make valuations just be having a quick look at the outside of the house and making a best guess about what value it was in. Since 1991, [...]

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Personal Finance Mumbo Jumbo & Chips

A few pointers on personal finance may help you to dance around the Mumbo Jumbo and gobbledegook you get from professionals and advisers. Professionals carry baggage. They have a living to earn, standards committees to satisfy and a ‘been their done that’ attitude bordering on arrogance. Give me a committed amateur not a do as [...]

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Core and Special Credit Cards February 2012

There are more credit card products on the market than ever before. The choice can be confusing and understanding the terminology can require at least A-level Finance qualifications Core Credit Card Types Purchase card is the plain vanilla variety that has been around for decades typified by the original pre Visa Barclaycard. It will have [...]

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10 Questions to Ask When Buying Property Overseas

Whatever your reason for buying abroad there are some basics that need to be covered. A family retreat or holiday home in the sun, a retirement home, a rent producing investment or an upmarket city center crash pad the issues are similar. First Questions How easy or difficult is the buying process in your chosen [...]

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Money Saving Personal Health Insurance

The good news is that in the UK you are able to benefit from the National Health Service and our welfare state. The bad news is that there are some reasons you may still wish to insure your health. Why You May Want Health Insurance NHS waiting times may be too long and you may [...]

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Predictions for Pound Sterling in 2012

The UK has experienced its longest post war recession, and the deepest since the Great Depression. In 2011, the recovery was disappointing, and prospects for the rest of 2012 are poor. However, the UK recovery is likely to be relatively better than the Eurozone, which retains even more serious problems. Therefore, despite the fact UK [...]

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One in Ten Mortgages

HSBC aims to grow the number of mortgages that it provides. They have £15 billion available to lend during 2012 and that should give them 11% of the market. First time borrowers will also benefit from this new found enthusiasm for lending by HSBC if their marketing blurb is to be believed. 90% mortgages for [...]

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Review of Mortgage Types

There are a variety of mortgages available to suit your circumstances. The mix of different types of mortgage vary due to the way interest is calculated or on the type of person, property or deal to be done. Mortgage Types Based on Interest Charges Offset Mortgages are set up so that any money you have [...]

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