One Room Schoolhouse

Just another weblog

Rules of the Schoolhouse

Rules of the School House
1. SILENCE is golden! Students should not be talking unless called upon to
answer a question.
2. Students who wish to ask or answer a question must raise their hand.
3. If a student has been called upon to answer a question, they must stand
up beside their desk and then answer the question so that the rest of
the class can see and hear them clearly.
4. Students should not squirm or fidget in their seats, as this may disrupt
the student studying behind or in front of them.
5. Gentlemen (and boys) must remove their hats when inside the building!
6. Students are expected to help keep the school room clean and neat. At
the end of the day students must help pick up, sweep and dust and
clean the schoolroom. Boys may be sent to bring in firewood for the
next day.
7. If the teacher is busy with another student, 7th and 8th graders are
expected to help younger students who may be having trouble with
their work.
8. Students who break the rules can expect consequences!


2 Comments so far ↓

  • jackson

    I don’t like the rule where you have to help clean the school house after school and how the boys have to get more fire wood for the next day.

  • Curtis Graham

    why do we have to be silent that is boring to be silent all day.

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