perhaps a special case because she speaks in the accent of her homeland. To many, it sounds like pure American Pie . But could there also be an anti-Americanism at work in much of the US-focussed commentary? # starbucks, Ben & Jerry's, and Krispy Kreme; I believe that despite protestations by antiques to the contrary Australian politics is becoming more Americanised - and a good thing too. I am a democrat, and not a born-to-rule Imperialist like our traitorous Opposition Leader. I believe the Prime Minister of # 12. At 10:21pm on 07 Dec 2009 , Agent 00Soul wrote: Why is it that whenever an article is written about possible anti-Americanism, their accent is inevitably one of the first things mentioned? Sometimes I read or watch the BBC and it seems like they want one standard for American # fee you'd serve your mates in a student house, but at six bucks a cup and in a smokey room) but would never darken their doors here - not out of anti-Americanism but because, well, what would be the point? # ke Austalians without regard to observational generalizing stuff--let people be people. And she IS right wing, so dislike of her is not based on anti-Americanism--it is only *helped* by anti-Americanism--in my center/left bent thinking. #