Letters: Young feminists keeping movement alive USA TODAY's article "As NOW marks 45 years, is feminism over the hill?" perpetuates stereotypes about young feminists that are insulting. If USA TODAY is genuinely interested in exploring the future of feminism, it should interview those of us who keep feminism fierce and vibrant: young feminists. feminism; we live it day to day. We fight for reproductive, economic, young feminists, we invite USA TODAY to get the real story on young women creating powerful and, yes, feminist change in our communities. The writers are feminist activists. the workplace? Young women today need to hear strong female messages articles with conflicting views of the continued importance of feminism companies"). On the other, young college women see feminism as a dead issue ("As NOW marks 45 years, is feminism over the hill?"). realize that the need for feminism (regardless of what it's called) is Many care about feminism today's thoughts about feminism is complete and utter nonsense. Feminism is not just about women. Feminism is about equality for all If young people don't care about feminism, how can you explain the feminist blogs that have thousands of followers and the feminist non-academic feminist groups all over the country and the feminist feminism. Young people do care about feminism. It is not dead (or "over the hill"