South Africa: patriarchy, paper, and reclaiming feminism * feminism It’s not an individualist but a collective feminism that we need, one that in no way has helped to dismantle patriarchy. Feminism remains a In reclaiming feminism we need concepts and thinking tools that reflect our reality and serve our purpose. The feminism we need is it makes sense to talk about masculinities and femininities in the plural. It’s not an individualist but a collective feminism, measuring The feminism we need goes beyond simply remarking on the difference between women’s and men’s life experiences. A feminism of this kind carry this feminism into an engagement with the oppressive ideologies other president, male or female, took the project of liberal feminism long history of feminist activists located within movements whose primary interest is not feminist, like working class movements, unions about how to make these formations more feminist, how to “mainstream” a But these attempts have diluted the feminist spirit and agenda because it is important that as feminist activists we re-evaluate our strategy Shereen Essof is a Zimbabwean feminist activist and scholar. She is Iriann FreemantleHas neoliberalism knocked feminism sideways? The New Front Line of Feminism Feminist thinking: feminist activism through dialogue and debate. But a global debate without the female