Christian Author: Feminists Today Are Replica of Male Chauvinist Pigs 30 Diane Passno was a proud feminist during her college years. But today she cringes at how much the feminist movement has gone in the wrong direction and they swallow it, never question it," the author of Feminism: Mystique or Mistake?, said on the Family Talk radio program this week. "Feminism children in divorce cases, the feminist movement today has taken a "Women feminists today are an exact replica of male chauvinist pigs 30 Feminism today, she described, can be defined as having two "What the feminist movement has done is it's gone from wanting equality Passno wasn't always averse to feminism – as it is defined today. As a as every other woman on campus found feminism attractive. But it all began to unravel for her as she studied what feminists were Though feminists were touting the right to do anything they wanted to write her book over a decade ago was the feminists' response to the "Some of the audacious statements made by feminist spokeswomen during [22-year-old intern], you would think that the feminist spokeswomen During the time of the 1998 scandal, feminists such as Betty Friedan – the founder of modern U.S. feminism – defended Clinton and opposed Passno doesn't want women today to fall for the rhetoric of feminists – means that feminists were wrong about it. Their love affair with modern-day feminist movement.