+ Digital Edition Placebo Effect Produces Higher Test Scores A new study finds it’s possible to trick people into doing better on a -- 725 Flares Filament.io 725 Flares × Scientists are increasingly convinced of the power of the placebo effect. Believing that one is receiving treatment when you're not—say, in the form of a pill that supposedly contains a powerful drug that is -- for some patients, some of the time. Newly published research suggests a placebo process can produce a similarly positive outcome for test-takers. In short, the belief that you have access to the answers makes it more likely you will get them -- were random letter strings.” No matter: “Participants in the placebo condition who believed they had been exposed to the correct answers subliminally scored higher than participants in the control condition,” Weger and Loughnan write. -- Subscribe to Our Weekly Email Newsletter ____________________ Subscribe More like this: Findings Tags: Anxiety, Placebo Effect, Stress About Tom Jacobs