#Collective-Evolution RSS Feed Collective-Evolution » Feed Collective-Evolution » Comments Feed Collective-Evolution » The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief Comments Feed Italy Moves To Ban Monsanto GMO Corn Man With Stage 3 Colon Cancer Refuses -- * * Consciousness * The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief July 21, 2013 by Arjun Walia. 35 Comments. (BUTTON) Share on Facebook (BUTTON) Twitter placebo Did you know that we can change our biology simply by what we believe to be true? The placebo effect is defined as the measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behaviour not attributable to a medication or invasive treatment that has been administered. It -- their headache. In doing so, their headache was cured because of what they believed to be true. This has happened on numerous occasions, many studies have shown that the placebo effect is real and highly effective. The placebo practice is known, but widely dismissed in medicine. The placebo effect should be a major topic of study in medical schools. Unfortunately drug companies study patients who respond to the placebo effect with the goal of eliminating them from early clinical trials. It bothers pharmaceutical manufacturers that in most of their clinical trials the placebos prove to be just as effective as their chemical ridden drugs. Examining the placebo effect would give rise to a whole new category under science, which would probably be consciousness. This is why it’s not examined thoroughly, the power of our perception and -- illustrated by quantum physics. The placebo effect should be the subject of major, funded research efforts. If medical researchers could figure out how to leverage the placebo effect, they would hand doctors an efficient,energy-based, side effect-free tool to treat disease. Energy healers say they already have such tools, but I am a scientist, and I believe the more we know about sceince of the placebo, the better we’ll be able to use it in clinical settings – Bruce Lipton, Ph.D (3) A Baylor School of Medicine study, published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine, (1) looked at surgery for patients with severe and debilitating knee pain. Many surgeons know there is no placebo effect in surgery, or so most of them believe. The patients were divided into three groups. The surgeons shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of -- would in normal surgery. They then sewed up the incisions like the real thing and the process was complete. All three groups went through the same rehab process, and the results were astonishing. The placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups who had surgery. My skill as a surgeon had no benefit on these patients. The entire benefit of surgery for osteoarthritis of the kneww was the placebo effect – Dr. Moseley (Surgeon involved in the study)(3) Another great example of the placebo effect came from the United States Department of Health and Human Services in 1999. The report discovered that half of severely depressed patients taking drugs improve compared to the thirty-two percent taking a placebo. Don’t forget about all of the side effects and dangers that have been associated with antidepressants every year. Don’t forget that the ‘depression industry’ -- made some more shocking discoveries(5)(4). He found that 80 perecent of the effect of antidepressants, as measured in clinical trials, could be attributed to the placebo effect. This professor even had to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to get information on the clinical trials of the top antidepressants. The difference between the response of the drugs and the response of the placebo was less than two points on average on this clinical scale that goes from fifty to sixty points. That’s a very small difference, that difference is clinically meaningless – Professor Kirsch Researchers all over the world have found that placebo treatments can stimulate real biological and physiological responses. Everything from changes in heart rate to blood pressure and even chemical activity in -- perceive change. We are powerful beings, and have abilities that have yet to be unlocked. I believe that these types of realities will continue to emerge and will be implemented in the future. The placebo effect demonstrates, from a biological standpoint, that what you believe indeed becomes your reality. For one to be able to use this, -- (1)http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa013259 (2)http://harvardmagazine.com/2013/01/the-placebo-phenomenon (3)Lipton, Bruce. The Biology of Belief. Hay House, Inc, 2005 -- Discuss with other free thinkers Discuss with other free thinkers 35 comments on “The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief” 1. darkmoon December 2, 2013 at 4:42 am what about migraine ? is it just all psychologically driven and can a placebo also help alleviate migraine pain? Reply 2. RAHEEM REMTULLA -- Im done with this………………………… Reply 3. Pingback: Efeito Placebo: Transformando a sua biologia através da convicção. « METANOIAN 4. Pingback: Thou mind’s power to heal – The Placebo Effect | Rajkamal Mohanram's Blog 5. Pingback: The Progressive Mind » Natural Health News and Wellness -- Reply 9. Pingback: Re-Write Reality. | ThirdiRadio 10. Pingback: The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief | Phoenix Tree Productions 11. Will van Tienen -- those famous personalities. If this was the case then Homeopathy had been doing this thing for a long time, and if it were that successful regarding placebo then we would not even have Allopathy today. Not even this, the ancient medicines like herbal medicines etc would have been more than -- of ailments which ancient medicines utterly failed to cure and were treated only by Allopathy successfully. There’s certain objectivity in placebo, but it has been used to prove delusion most of the times. There used to be a time when humans “believed so hard” that “they -- July 29, 2013 at 11:57 pm Wow, can it really be possible? From Statistics class lectures, it said that the placebo effect worked more than half the time, but I didn’t know it was this serious. I wonder if I can finally end my depression and pain from simply believing. Why aren’t we funding -- DISEASE” http://tinyurl.com/b3y7uvc Not only does the placebo effect work to create a cure but also to create the disease. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. -- ‘light-speed’ to focus with will have energy act according the the definition. Light-speed is also a ‘belief’ as is the ‘placebo-effect’. It is impossible for energy to go ‘faster’ than itself. There is no need to either! Please see definition.