11 Surprising Facts About Placebos om%2F37073-surprising-facts-placebo-effect.html&send=false&layout=butto * Early placebo research was done in the 18th century for consumer * Even real treatments benefit from the placebo effect. A bottle of * "Placebo" and "the placebo effect" refer to different things. 9 * Many clinical trials no longer include placebos. doctor's office, * Placebos have a long-term, demonstrated effect in relieving pain. susceptible to placebos. A bottle of pills 5 CREDIT: Pills photo * The placebo effect is actually several effects. placebos. brain cells, neurons 3 CREDIT: Dreamstime Brain * Not all placebos are created equal. drugs 2 CREDIT: * Placebo does not equal being duped. 1 FDA Issues Serious Reality The placebo effect plays a central role in doctors' understanding of The effects of a placebo, or "dummy," treatment cannot come from the actual treatment itself. In other words, the placebo effect explains placebo comes from the Latin for "I will please.") The placebo effect can help explain why drugs and other treatments with However, the placebo effect itself remains mysterious. Doctors still misconceptions about the placebo effect. om%2F37073-surprising-facts-placebo-effect.html&send=false&layout=butto