Respectful Insolence » The “myth” of placebo effects Comments Feed The “myth” of placebo effects moments in the form of a post entitled, Busting the Placebo Myth: Placebos Don’t Cure. In it, she rails against us nasty, pointy-headed skeptics who point out that placebos only make people think they feel quackery that labels it as “placebo medicine.” Of course, as I’ve “integrative medicine,” is based on placebo medicine and the idea that of alternative medicine is that it’s just the placebo effect. But that is based on the myth that placebos can cure. The reality, as “myth” of placebos, including that placebos don’t heal, that placebos are a “complete flop,” that no one is ever “cured” by a placebo. Of second one. Even skeptics don’t say that placebos area a “complete flop.” we’re all for studying placebo effects and determining ways to medicine. What we don’t approve of is relying on placebo effects alone, that’s a double whammy against using placebos that can’t be overcome. “pwoerful placebo,” some like to put it, or The Secret, as I like to put it, she actually does her best to rubbish placebo effects as placebo effects. This is a straw man even bigger than the dismiss “healing” by alternative practitioenrs as being due to placebo drug placebo and sham acupuncture (another kind of placebo) had no both the drug placebo and sham acupuncture were nearly as effective that placebos have absolutely no healing benefit. “placebos without deception” study by Kaptchuk that was sold as placebo effects but, when examined more closely, shoed nothing of the The claims by skeptics that the placebo effect can explain away any on a false belief, the idea that the placebo effect is so powerful The placebo effect can be powerful in terms of people’s sense of health and welfare. However, no one is ever healed by a placebo. streaming along shouting about the placebo effect, usually full of The simple fact is that placebos cannot cure. So those claims of can easily be explained by the placebo effect.” No, it cannot. were “cured” by alternative medicine as being just due to placebo placebo effects. Indeed, if I ever saw a skeptic trying to do that, as “placebo.” She is, as has been noted before, a homeopath, and if there is a form of “medicine” that is nothing more than pure placebo, it’s homeopathy. However, that doesn’t mean that pointing to placebo placebo effect. Ditto the issue of autism, the “cure” of which is developmental delay, not stasis) and not placebo effects. Improvements react to her dismissing the ability of placebo effects to cure as a Keywords: Heidi Stevenson, homeopathy, placebo, quackery Busting the Placebo Myth: Placebos Don’t Cure Can we quote her next time someone proposes to harness the placebo give you would be a placebo. Woman: [frantic] Where can we get these placebos? 1. Placebos don’t cure anything, they just make people feel better ergo, Alternative medicines are not just placebos. So Stevenson get’s placebos but doesn’t get that CAM is a synonym for placebo. So funny one just has to cry. Times: “Placebos work… if doctors are happy prescribing them, we Placebos don’t have to be deceptive to be clinically effective says Howick, quoting Kaptchuk’s “open” placebo study for irritable bowel Ha. Some woo-meisters speak as if ‘placebo’ incorporated a species In other placebo-centric news: Some woo-meisters speak as if placebo were a means to liberate the There is one thing about placebos: about placebos” that actually did mislead them? The absolute most I think I’d ever say about cancer and placebos is that a placebo might make the patient feel better about the placebo any credit for it, but alties probably would, since they so persuading patients to mistake a placebo effect for a real effect A paper on placebo use came out today:Placebo Use in the United Placebo use is common in primary care but questions remain about acceptable and cost-effective placebo interventions. doctors are generally using placebos in good faith to help studies by Southampton have clearly shown placebos can help many The placebo effect works by releasing our body’s own natural attached to placebo use is irrational, and further investigation is needed to develop ethical, cost-effective placebos.” That’s not quite how I see placebos. Has it really been demonstrated that placebos work, “by releasing our body’s own what is called “the placebo effect” isn’t really an effect at all, abandon the term “placebo effect” altogether as hopelessly flacks.” Which seemed to truly contradict the notion that placebos “Placebos just make a person feel better it they don’t make them flacks.” Which seemed to truly contradict the notion that placebos In short, saying “placebo works, look, I can measure a change in this lab value” can be accurately translated as “look, placebo How placebo prescribing may work in practice. scientific and ethical status of placebos belies the two co-leads loud and laudatory public endorsement of GPs use of placebos. on placebos. Hardly surprising given that Lewith heads one of the I would so totally NOT go with concept of the placebo effect being Doctors that prescribe placebos to their patients should be paid with placebo cash. Turnabout is fair play, right? compare an active treatment to a placebo, and it is easy to assume that any measured changes in patients in the placebo arm of the study are caused by the placebo. If you look at clinical trials placebo. the awesome power of the placebo. However: lacked a no treatment group. The placebo wasn’t awesome at all, it that are essentially placebos, for example therapeutic touch, that that shows a placebo has a consistent and significant objectively Thanks for the information on the authors of that placebo study, set of antibodies. Over time, even if they were given a placebo placebo effect and it had nothing to do with being “weak minded” or Over time, even if they were given a placebo that appeared similar how that means placebos ‘work’ in the sense of having an objective is looking for explanations of how placebos ‘work’, when the best Maybe I should declare myself as a lapsed placebo-effect believer – to which placebos ‘work’. In the sense that a placebo may persuade a patient to go away and placebo has contributed to the spread of resistant bacteria, and Placebo is an inactive dummy/inert pill (substance such as That’s probably one of the more subtle components of the placebo that’s appropriate for a post about placebos. That is not accurate. The concept of a placebo is very much and does nothing… because it is, in fact, a placebo. Audio engineers will often rely on placebo effect to placate some Re: placebo, qua endogenous opiates cum psychoneuroimmunology cum Briefly, placebos do appear to have an effect on perceived pain, like naloxone. I suspect the effect of placebos on subjectively done deal: placebos do produce clinical benefits and the mechanism prescription of placebos on the basis that it already happens and So, speaking of placebo effects, and it’s evil Mirror Universe that only 30-40% of patients respond to placebos, and that some types of placebo-induced analgesia are blocked by naloxone (which article on placebos for the first time in several years, and found Gøtzsche’s Cochrane review (PMID: 20091554) of placebos that We did not find that placebo interventions have important clinical effects in general. However, in certain settings placebo patient-reported effects of placebo from biased reporting. The placebo were partly explained by variations in how trials were organs the placebo effect seems to be more effective in achieving and chronic heart failure. Placebos also do not work as strongly in placebos in which people think they are receiving actual treatment (rather than merely its possibility) the placebo effect has been observed. Other writers have argued that the placebo effect can be Can placebos really achieve improvements such as “decreasing placebo-controlled studies on “peripheral disease processes”. conditions, from which the effects of placebo treatments could be estimated by baseline changes within the placebo groups. underwhelmed by the barely significant placebo effects on physical help you feel better” – a placebo. The good stuff here is someone little better! The placebo works? Nope. The good news worked – us. This is what needs to be true if a placebo is to cause As for the idea of non-deceptive placebos, pull the other one. If the magical placebo benefit of acupuncture; now are you? For the 2. Non-specific (psychological/placebo) effects:The body’s healing Non-specific (psychological/placebo) effects:The body’s healing conditions or a placebo, and rarely requires assistance from active outside agents. Why would the body require a placebo to persuade it The placebo activates the inherent bioenergetic sytem (TM) which The placebo activates the inherent bioenergetic sytem [...] some sort of vitamin deficiency. Or perhaps placebos work on foxes, (Should say doesn’t work beyond a placebo effect, but you all know non-self-limiting illnesses than are placebo’s (i.e., that it Jackson. But do feel that there is a lot more to placebos than a subjective response of feeling better. Placebos cannot cure cancer, There are many more in the sport and exercise field where a placebo does that not mean the placebo has worked? If the person can run faster does that not mean the placebo has that placebos can have subjective psychological effects. Nor would ragbag of things that are collectively referred to as “the placebo above placebo. It would be interesting to compare the effects of a placebo with the effects of superstitious amulets like a pair of [...] The “myth” of placebo effects [...]