Forward » We repeat, migrants are *less* likely to claim benefits than We repeat, migrants are *less* likely to claim benefits than indigenous In a sop to UKIP, David Cameron has pledged to bar migrants from What David Cameron probably won’t tell you, however, is that migrants Most migrants from the EU do not come to Britain to sign on, but to work. Migrants who came to the UK after the year 2000 have made a 1. Migrants are less-likely to claim benefits than the indigenous 2. Migrants don’t take jobs away from the indigenous population. taken by migrants. There is a crisis in the NHS and Education This is why I am against more migrants: What are your top three reasons for more migrants? I don’t mean a EEA migrants contributed, net, about £22bn between 2001 and 2011 held by a migrant worker displaces one which could be done by a UK Tell us again why we need any migrants on benefits? If you want migrants like that, there’s a simple test. You How does a migrant on welfare make a net fiscal contribution? Now look at how much a migrant needs to pay in tax to make a net need to be on 44K a year to break even. Each and every migrant. And growth in the number of migrants shows where the jobs are going. The fact is that EEA migrants make a massive net fiscal And it’s a fact that migrants make up about 13% of the total migrants make up about 10% of the workforce but about 5% of out of work benefit claimants. In other words, migrants are less likely to be claiming benefits than UK natives and EEA migrants much less economy have gone to migrants. I don’t know about you, but where I Abu Hamzah was a migrant. Simple question. You’re claiming migrants make a net contribution. Hamzah is a migrant. In other words, migrants are less likely to be claiming benefits than UK natives and EEA migrants much less likely. For those migrants on welfare, do they make a net contribution? That means that most of the new jobs have gone to migrants. If that don’t. But migrants are much less likely to be on benefits than U K e.g. Because one migrant is good, all migrants must be good. migrants make a net contribution that all migrants must make a net It should reject all migrants on welfare because the migrant on about all migrants being good for the UK] migrants on welfare. We can refuse to accept them into the UK. Of course not every migrant makes a net contribution. I havent argued that they do. Migrants as a whole make a massive net fiscal I am not saying that some migrants make a net contribution that, in the aggregate, migrants make a net contribution. Some Do migrants on benefits make a net contribution? It depends on the Except, of course, that some migrants we force onto welfare whether But it doesnt change the fact that, in the aggregate, migrants are not mean that ever single migrant is a net contributor – just that Of course not every migrant makes a net contribution. I havent So why are we accepting the migrants who don’t make a net For the migrants who do make a net contribution, I’m all for them. migrant have to make to make a net contribution.