figures about characteristics and outcomes of migrants in the UK. Sustainability, Migrant Health, Alcohol and Tobacco reduction, self-employed Polish migrants in the UK. It is needed to look at the distribution of the migrants, their dates of entry into the UK and people (such as migrants), I would like to use the ad hoc modules to migrants). I would also like to generate some regional (areal) and its links with migrant populations. Specifically we will examine * Migrant Diversity and Individual Wellbeing – Dr Simonetta Longhi This is part of an international project on migrant diversity and and non-EEA migrants within the context of providing a comprehensive type of migrant (i.e. EEA/non-EEA) and over time. This will also employment and skills characteristics of migrant populations is the settlement patterns of those potential migrants and their including a comparison with Spain (National Migrants Survey) and a economic migrants. migrants and natives in UK and their employment status (whether * Health of migrants and access to health services – Dr Hiranthi health care services among recent migrants to the UK in comparison with established migrants. from different countries; the patterns of where migrants settle; and for how long migrants settle. Data will be used to evaluate the health of Irish migrants to the * Migrant and established Muslim and non-Muslim women in local areas socio-economic circumstances of Muslim and non-Muslim recent migrant study of the experiences of recent migrants and established groups Romanian migrants are to other A8/A2 migrants. This will provide me * Within nation movements of migrant workers – Mr David Beaney To ascertain the movements of EU and non EU migrant workers within Researching "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS SETTLE? ETHNIC * How to Construct Europa? Migrants in Germany and the UK – Wido * Impact of migrant workers – Mr Paul Steven Jones (University of Transtions of UK born workers out of employment in migrant dense integration of migrant population. Labour market performances of national versus migrant workers will carried out for a number of * Analysis of migrants performance in the UK – Dr Liliana Hiris situation of migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in the UK. * Research on Migrant Integration – Dr Alessio Cangiano (University labour market policies on the outcomes of migrants in the UK labour * Migrant Workers H&S Research – Mr Marc Craw (London Metropolitan Research to focus on migrant workers health and safety in six characteristics of migrants as well as changes in migration trends and the performance of migrants over time. migrants and long-term Muslim residents are living. economic performance of migrants in the UK and Germany is mediated