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We know that Polish are hard working people so they would naturally show a high profile in the jobs market. However if you go to the link below then to page 6 of the World Bank migration and development report you will find a graph made up of data provided by the UK Office of National Statistics. The Polish are just one part of the A8 migrants shown in the graph and even though their influx was exponential It is clear to see that other groups of migrants were well established by 2002 especially those from the African Continent. Of course the graph only refers to those in work but can still give an indication of ratios. It would be interesting to know the true influx of immigration especially because Britain’s benefit system makes us the destination of choice especially for economic migrants . The next question is why is the rate of immigration from Africa concealed? It is very important to know especially if an amnesty is offered by Clegg to illegal immigrants because this would provide a legitimate route for their families to follow. If Turkey joins the EU then this will also be another source over which we will have no control. There is also information of how other countries are or plan to deal with immigration and America which is about 39 times larger than our little island. Takealook. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTPR...rief11.pdf In the Mail today. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...wrong.html And http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election...oblem.html _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user 01-05-2010, 05:28 PM Post: #2 Bluthund Offline Senior Member * * * * Posts: 723 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 1 RE: What's the truth about immigration? Oh, we are well in the Destabilisation phase of DDCN Doctrine: http://www.philipbrennan.net/essays/how-...-a-nation/ Bluthund. _________________ There is no Left or Right - there is only Freedom or Tyranny. Everything else is an illusion, an obfuscation to keep you confused and silent as the world burns around you. Visit this user's website Find all posts by this user 03-05-2010, 10:56 PM Post: #3 Takealook Offline Posting Freak * * * * * Posts: 901 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 2 RE: What's the truth about immigration? From the Mail Online today http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election...chdog.html _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user 11-05-2010, 07:57 AM Post: #4 Takealook Offline Posting Freak * * * * * Posts: 901 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 2 RE: What's the truth about immigration? . http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTPR...velopmentB The link below works http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTPR...rief11.pdf _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user 11-05-2010, 09:39 AM Post: #5 Bluthund Offline Senior Member * * * * Posts: 723 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 1 RE: What's the truth about immigration? Takealook - email me at pbrennan42ATgmailDOTcom and I will host the PDF. Bluthund. _________________ There is no Left or Right - there is only Freedom or Tyranny. Everything else is an illusion, an obfuscation to keep you confused and silent as the world burns around you. Visit this user's website Find all posts by this user 05-07-2010, 11:32 PM Post: #6 Takealook Offline Posting Freak * * * * * Posts: 901 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 2 RE: What's the truth about immigration? At last here is the relevent pdf Page 6 for Migrant employment into the UK by country of birth [attachment=87] or http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTPR...rief11.pdf _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user 17-07-2010, 04:29 AM Post: #7 Takealook Offline Posting Freak * * * * * Posts: 901 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 2 RE: What's the truth about immigration? Just before closing down to go to bed I stumbled across this link. http://www.eutimes.net/2010/07/europe-be...migration/ It ties in very nicely with something I have been thinking about for two or three weeks and links in with the previous posts here especially because the rate of immigration from Africa had been concealed by labour but as it is known they have had an agenda to alter our way of life through uncontrolled immigration. I suspect that they plan to further this agenda with the compressed coil spring of this concealed population and of course it will all take place under the new coalition government. 1).Things had been a little quiet on the Labour front and I couldn't help wondering what mischief they have been up to as old habits no doubt persist. It came to mind that many of the seats they won were in high immigration areas and as the Daily Mail reported they were actively caught committing election fraud Which nobody else seemed to question afterwards. 2). It is only recently that I have noticed African families have begun to appear in my location springing up like mushrooms do in the early morning. 3). Also it had been announced that anybody willing to relocate to other areas of the country will be given priority for council housing. 4).Only yesterday (2 days ago now) the radio channels were full of the story that between now and 2051 the population will grow from 59 million to 78 million and that it will be achieved by the 16 ethnic minorities who will swell from the present 8% of the population to 20%. This being because they are of predominantly child bearing age. The rate of increase in the indigenous population will shrink. How do they know this so far ahead? 5).Don't forget that Clegg wanted to offer an amnesty for illegals who would then be able to bring their relatives legally into the country. Does this and turning a blind eye to Labour's election fraud of registering none existent voters point to an ongoing agenda no matter who is in power. I would like to point out that in the early 70s I had Jamaican associates and from time to time attended their Reggae parties and when I moved to London had Nigerian and Jamaican friends often sharing weekends with their families. It is the hidden agenda I object to. Perhaps we are all being set up for the fall. You will notice when you read the article that The Africans whom the Uks own statistics show are the greatest infux have again not been mentioned. Takealook _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user 17-07-2010, 08:16 AM Post: #8 Martin Edwards Offline Site Admin * * * * * * Posts: 541 Joined: Jul 2009 Reputation: 1 RE: What's the truth about immigration? Guys, It might be worth your while looking to see how Migration fits in with the United Nations and Agenda 21. For example, see UNESCO and the International Migration Convention. More info from this search Find all posts by this user 17-07-2010, 12:49 PM Post: #9 Takealook Offline Posting Freak * * * * * Posts: 901 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 2 RE: What's the truth about immigration? (17-07-2010 08:16 AM)Martin Edwards Wrote: Guys, It might be worth your while looking to see how Migration fits in with the United Nations and Agenda 21. For example, see UNESCO and the International Migration Convention. More info from this search Thanks for that link Martin. It sheds further light on what is taking place and of course it is a program for all EU countries (Member States as they now like to call us) So they can all look forward to the same. Of course all people are entitled to be treated properly just as we would expect for ourselves but it can things can also be manipulated to the detriment of each country if they please. What I found interesting is that all bases are covered and enshrined by law. This means that they can play it which ever way they choose and we are powerless do anything about it. For instance Article 22-1 states that ''Migrant workers and their families shall not be subject to measures of collective expulsion. Each case of expulsion shall be examined and decided individually.'' That is fair enough but then the next article says 22- 2''Migrant workers and members of their families may be expelled from the territory of a State Party only in pursuance of a decision taken by the competent authority in accordance with law' One thing that I liked which hopefully will continue apply to us as well is this in Article 18-2. Migrant workers and members of their families who are charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law. The articles 8-35 referred at the end of your link are to be found here. http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/45/a45r158.htm International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families quote. Article 35 Nothing in the present part of the Convention shall be interpreted as implying the regularization of the situation of migrant workers or members of their families who are non-documented or in an irregular situation or any right to such regularization of their situation, nor shall it prejudice the measures intended to ensure sound and equitable conditions for international migration as provided in part VI of the present Convention. quote Can anyone interpret the meaning of the sentence above. I would guess that it means that the preceding Articles apply only to legal immigrants but not illegals. Any way what are £500 an hour lawyers for if not to make statements like this mean whatever they want. However if it does mean that then it provides grist for the mill for lawyers to fight over on behalf of the illegals because human rights as they are written should apply to all. Shouldn't they?? Takealook This was planned to be included in the reply. It is the last paragraph on Martin's link but I overlooked it so I will tag it on the end here instead. * Rights of undocumented ('illegal') workers The Convention recognizes that "the human problems involved in migration are even more serious in the case of irregular migration" and the need to encourage appropriate action "to prevent and eliminate clandestine movements and trafficking in migrant workers, while at the same time assuring the protection of their fundamental rights" (Preamble). As measures for preventing and eliminating illegal labour migration, the Convention proposes that the States concerned should collaborate in taking appropriate actions against the dissemination of misleading information relating to emigration and immigration, to detect and eradicate illegal or clandestine movements of migrant workers and impose sanctions on those who are responsible for organising and operating such movements as well as employers of illegal migrant workers (Art. 68). However, the fundamental rights of undocumented migrant workers are protected by the Convention (Art. 8 - 35). Does this answer my question about Article 35 or not? _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user 19-07-2010, 11:58 AM Post: #10 Takealook Offline Posting Freak * * * * * Posts: 901 Joined: Apr 2010 Reputation: 2 RE: What's the truth about immigration? Yesterday I heard on the news that there will be a cap on skilled workers but not on unskilled or illegal immigrants. How can this make sense? Are we witnessing the reversal of roles between Labour and Conservative. Is it an indication that agenda is marching on. (Labour are now beginning to spout all the things that they should have said while in office but didn't). Surely limiting the flow of talented people while encouraging other categories is doubly damaging for the country. There have always been natural migration through out history and and countries have benefited. Isambard Kingdom Brunel came from a family of French Immigrants and even his sister was well capable of competing on the same level as an engineer but ladies weren’t allowed to be seen doing that sort of thing in those days. The Polish who always seem to willing, happy. capable and bright always seem to be singled out for media attention. It so happens that children in Poland do not start school until 7 years of age and by the time they leave for secondary School or whatever the equivalent is they are two years ahead of their British counterparts. This pattern I have been told continues right through to the end of University. This is why the International Baccalaureate is so valuable. What Is objectionable is how immigration is being used as a weapon to eventually destabilise Nations and destroy their identity. It was the concealment (as pointed out at the head of this thread) of otherwise published statistics by mainstream media that drew my attention and interest in this subject matter. Takealook http://www.eutimes.net/2010/07/more-immi...-brussels/ More Immigration for Europe Says Brussels Posted by EU Times on Jul 15th, 2010 // 7 Comments BRUSSELS: EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom is to alter the rules for migrants BUREAUCRATS are planning to encourage more new migrants to come to the EU despite rising levels of unemployment, it emerged last night. Brussels officials are to simplify entry rules for workers heading to Europe to take up temporary seasonal jobs in farming, tourism and other industries. EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said: “We need immigrant workers in order to secure our economic survival.” She claimed more were needed to fill “labour shortages”. But her remarks are bound to provoke new concerns that Eurocrats are determined to press for ever higher levels of immigration. Last night, Home Office insiders insisted Britain would refuse to sign up to the latest overhaul of EU border controls. Mrs Malmstrom said: “We know unemployment rates are still very high in Europe. Paradoxically, at the same time there are labour shortages.” She plans to speed up procedures for hiring managers, specialists and seasonal workers from outside the 27 EU member states. The EU lacks workers in certain sectors even though average unemployment is at 10 per cent, up from seven per cent before the crisis, commission officials said. Mrs Malmstrom – responsible for migration policies – has said the EU will continue to need extra workers in the next few years even though slower economic growth is putting pressure on some EU governments to curb the number of immigrants. An ageing population and low birth rates mean that migrant labour will be necessary to help EU growth in the long term. Mrs Malmstrom said: “In light of the demographic challenge the EU is facing, where our active population is forecasted to start falling already in 2013, we need immigrant workers in order to secure our economic survival. “I will continue to take more steps towards a more inclusive labour migration policy for the EU in the coming years.” Under the proposals, which have to be approved by EU governments and the European Parliament, companies will be able to bring seasonal workers into the EU more quickly to address changing needs. Officials insist the measures are aimed at tackling the growing problem of illegal migrants working in a black economy. Thousands, many from Africa, are hired each year to do jobs such as harvesting tomatoes in Italy. But critics of mass immigration insist that unemployed native workers should be encouraged – or forced through benefit cuts – to take up the work. The new rules would force employers to prove they provide accommodation and set up a complaints mechanism. And companies would benefit from simplified application procedures when bringing managers and specialists into EU branches of international corporations. A spokesman for Mrs Malmstrom said last night: “It is up to each member state to decide whether they need more seasonal workers and how many they should take. If they don’t need more seasonal workers, of course that is their choice.” Source VN:F [1.9.3_1094] _________________ Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook Find all posts by this user Enter Keywords___________ Search Thread « Next Oldest | Next Newest » Pages (2): 1 2 Next » Possibly Related Threads... Thread: Author Replies: Views: Last Post UAF v BNP & EDL. Mass Immigration: A Frankfurt School Technique Takealook 13 3,245 17-12-2010 03:29 AM Last Post: Takealook Anyone want to discuss Eastern European immigration into the UK and Ireland? dekarnys 9 2,249 05-07-2010 11:44 PM Last Post: Takealook European immigration is an Issue! dekarnys 0 514 19-05-2010 09:59 PM Last Post: dekarnys * View a Printable Version * Send this Thread to a Friend * Subscribe to this thread __________________________________________________________________ UK Column, The Annex, Scott Lodge, Scott Road, Plymouth PL2 3DU - 01752 478050 - editor@ukcolumn.org The UK Column is not affiliated with any political party. UK Column | Return to Top | Return to Content | Lite (Archive) Mode | RSS Syndication Powered By MyBB, © 2002-2014 MyBB Group.