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What's the truth about immigration?
25-07-2010, 08:20 AM
Post: #11
RE: What's the truth about immigration?
Whether the size of the population, or the composition of the population, of any country should change by way of immigration is a question sole'ly for the citizens of that country to decide by referendum. It is too important to be left to mere politicians - because everybody is smarter than anybody; all of us are smarter than any few of us.
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25-07-2010, 03:35 PM
Post: #12
RE: What's the truth about immigration?
This reply by Sean answers the question What is The Truth About Immigration very succinctly.

Sean says:
24/07/2010 at 7:20 pm

People who have expended the great moral and intellectual effort needed to understand the true nature of the world in which we live know that the Conspiratorial View of History is correct. That nothing on this good Earth happens by accident, especially in politics and high finance. Moreover, who understand that Hidden Hands are guiding mankind rapidly towards an apocalyptic time that is verily the Climax of the historical process as we know it. Furthermore, these Proper Students of History know that sinister hands are guiding the Ancient Evil Conspiracy for World Government, which is unfolding rapidly in the Arena of History, and which is easily observed by those with eyes to see …
In this connection — and against the wishes of the vast majority of Westerners — a secret, high level policy of mass immigration of non-whites, adoption of foreign, non-white children, and increased miscegenation aimed at radically transforming the West has been pursued, and whose outrages and iniquities have been vigorously defended by professional “Race Relations” experts and “Race Industry” organizations whose disproportionate “power” within contemporary Western culture is not their own. The Shadow Government allows this “power,” for these vociferous advocates and defenders of Multiculturalism (as well as its ideological bodyguard, the Thought Tyranny called Political Correctness) comprise the legion of useful fools, infesting all fields of human endeavour, who are used by the Secret Rulers of this Earth on the long-travelled road towards global tyranny. The Multicultural scam becomes clearly visible to those with eyes to see when one ponders the injustice and absurdities inherent in official policy, especially that policy hidden from the purview of the masses, which not only encourages massive illegal immigration but also lavishly rewards those who break national laws and come to the West illegally. This overrunning of the West by NON-WHITE, non-Christian peoples, is primarily designed to create massive social tensions, using the old “divide and rule” principle, which will allow the Secret Masters of the Evil Agenda to bring about the final destruction of Western Christian Civilization and the enslavement of its indigenous peoples.
Also permit me to state that it is only with intuitive insight that one can penetrate beyond the external form or substance of things, to reach their internal substance or reality. It is only with the inner light of the discerning heart that one can achieve confirmation that we now live in an Age of Extreme Evil which will culminate in the end of the historical process as we know it. Empirical and discursive knowledge and thought can only suggest, but cannot directly perceive, and hence penetrate, the true nature of the Age in which we now live. And one of the telltale signs of this Age of Evil is RACIAL AND ETHNIC ADULTERATION ON A MASSIVE SCALE, a pernicious plot especially directed at the indigenous Caucasian, and particularly “Nordid”, populations of the Western World.
Why is Western Civilization the main, main target? For the reason that not only is it the cradle of the ancient Sinister Plot to Transform the World, but it is also its greatest impediment, or, more specifically, the spirituality that underpins Western Civilization, which is the Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Calvary commonly called Christianity. That is why the Secret Masters of the New Age One World Agenda – the Lords of Power – have worked tirelessly for centuries to subvert Christendom, and are now also working tirelessly to undermine the racial integrity of the Western Caucasian populations — whether the citizens have the clarity of vision to see it, or not.

It is a reply submitted to this link.

Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook
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30-07-2010, 08:09 PM
Post: #13
RE: What's the truth about immigration?
The question What is the truth about immigration is answered here in an article by Steve Doughty, Social Affairs Correspondent for the Daily Mail. I have reintroduced a few minor details (but perhaps important) that were printed in Wednesdays paper but missing in the online version.

Immigration sees UK's population growth outstrip the rest of Europe

By Steve Doughty
Last updated at 11:06 AM on 28th July 2010

Britain's population growth is outpacing the rest of Europe, according to figures released yesterday.

This country gained more people last year thanks to immigration and rising birth rates than anywhere in the continent.

The rise in population in Britain accounted for nearly a third of the 1.4million increase in the number of people living in all of the 27 EU countries, according to the analysis from Brussels.
Influx: Britain experienced greater population growth than other European countries last year, according to new figures

Influx: Britain experienced greater population growth than other European countries last year, according to new analysis from Brussels

It said the increase pushed the EU population above the half billion mark, with just over 501million European citizens at the beginning of this year.

The breakdown from the EU’s Eurostat arm showed how fast Britain’s population is rising compared to that of our neighbours and rivals and provoked fresh calls for the Government to curb numbers coming into the country.

There are rising fears that pressure on housing, transport, water, power and social services will become overwhelming if official projections that the number of people in the country will reach 70million by 2029 are realised.

The Eurostat analysis showed that Britain’s population rose by 412,000 in 2009, up 182,000 because there were more immigrants than emigrants, and up by 231,000 because of rising birth rates.

Much of the new baby boom is a result of immigration, and one in four children born last year was born to mothers who were themselves born abroad.

The British figures compare with an increase of 34 ,000 in France, mainly a result of high birthrates, and 295,000 in Italy, largely caused by high immigration.

Germany’s population fell by 203,000. The UK increase meant the population rise per head in Britain was the greatest of any of the major EU countries.

Numbers in Britain grew by 6. for every 1,000 people last year, compared with 5.4 for every 1,000 in France, 4.9 for every 1,000 in Italy, and 3.5 for every 1,000 in Spain.

In Germany there were 2.5 fewer people for every 1,000, and Poland’s population grew by fewer than one for every 1,000 people – a clear indication that millions of Poles who left to work abroad in the boom years of the 2000s have yet to return home.

Only small and minor countries – Belgium, Sweden, Slovenia and tiny Luxembourg – showed a faster rate of population growth for every 1,000 people than Britain.

Sir Andrew Green, of the Migrationwatch think tank, said: ‘This is further confirmation that the population of the UK is rising extremely fast, mainly due to immigration, which accounts for two thirds of the projected population growth of the next 25 years.

‘There are always arguments in favour of immigration. But the majority of people are clear that immigration needs to be brought down. The Government would do well to stick to the promises they have made to the electorate.’

On the front page of Wednesdays issue it said this (and this time I will quote directly from the page because the online version has been severely altered almost beyond recognition)

Daily Mail 28th July 2010 James Chapman and Daniel Martin.

Coalition at war on Immigration.

The Coalition was at war last night over a key onservative election pledge to impose a a strict annual limit on immigration.
Liberal Democrat Vince Cable led a growing rebelion against enforcing a draconian cap on numbers comming into the country, demanding 'as liberal a policy as possible'.

The Business Secretary has privately described the idea of a tight limit as 'crazy' at a time when Britain is trying to boost trade.
His call revealed deep divisions within the Government, with even some senior Tories sympathetic of watering down the policy. They are understood to include universities minister David Willets.

A senior Government source last night said Mr Cable would not back down from his position, which has led to a tense Cabinet stand-off with Home Secretary Theresa May.

The row came as it emerged that immigration and rising birth rates mean that Britain accounted for nearly a third of the growth in population across the whole of Europe last year with 412,000 added to the UK total.
(There is more to the article but this is the essence related to this thread. However the remaining is important and could be covered in a new thread)

Yesterday somebody made a post to this thread and could have been motivated by strong feelings because she joined up to the Forum, made the post then deleted it within half an hour and had only spent about 15 minutes total online. The name was eventually removed from the posters list by the evening. She may have thought better about it, perhaps to save later embarasment.

Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook
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14-12-2010, 11:48 PM
Post: #14
RE: What's the truth about immigration?
The end result of abolishing borders and national states is that the future ceases to be determined by the vote, as the democrat would have you believe, and becomes determined by genetics. If the majority of babies born in the British Isles are not British then the future of the British Isles will not be British (or English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh if you prefer). The largest breeding population in an area eventually defines the present.

Imagine if all the British people were dropped into the Chinese population. Within a few generations the majority of their descendents would cease to be a recognisable entity. There would no longer be 'the British', there would instead be those of 'British heritage', and this would be a heritage that would diminish with each generation, until all that remained were a few traits amongst certain individuals discernable only to the scientist.

Of course, it is not possible to physically drop the British gene pool into that of China. But what if the equivalent numbers of people were allowed into Britain? Then the same process would occur, what is distinctive about the British, their genetic identity, would dilute and then vanish. There would be no melting pot where the British population mixes with the incoming population to create a new population because the incoming numbers are too great, instead the British population would dissolve in the the incoming population.

Liberalism, socialism, democracy - all of these belief systems were created by some caucasoids. Their mistake was they held their beliefs to be universal and forced them upon the world. When caucasoids disappear genetically so will their belief systems. Equally of course, so will their borderless states! The US and the EU will simply fracture into new state structures based on the new population groups. The future rulers will not be brown skinned versions of Cameron,Milliband, van Rompuy or Merkel or whoever, they will be negroids or sub-continentals who may have inherited one or two of their genes - but nothing more.
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03-03-2011, 05:38 PM
Post: #15
RE: What's the truth about immigration?

Migrant cover-up: Reports kept secret by Labour show mass immigration cut wages, raised tensions and that too many stayed too long

By James Chapman
Last updated at 9:45 AM on 1st March 2011
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Labour is today accused of a ‘shocking’ cover-up over the impact of years of mass immigration as damning official research buried by the last government is revealed.
Ministers will publish three reports commissioned at the taxpayers’ expense by Labour politicians – but then apparently ‘sat on’ because of their inconvenient conclusions.
Government advisers concluded immigration had depressed wages, threatened to increase community tensions and seen many incomers stay longer than intended.

Cover-up: The Coalition promises openness about migration while Labour leader Ed Miliband has admitted his party got it 'wrong' on immigration while they were in power - with millions having their incomes squeezed
The Coalition claims the unpublished reports, which cost more than £100,000 to produce, are extraordinary evidence of how Labour lost control of Britain’s borders and then tried to cover it up.
The revelations come as Labour leader Ed Miliband admitted his party got it ‘wrong’ on immigration while they were in power – with millions of families having their incomes squeezed as a result.
Immigration DID hurt wages and Labour 'under-estimated significantly' the influx, admits Miliband
Middle-class families 'to be £4,000 worse off'... but rich and poor are insulated from cost of living crisis
The last government was widely criticised for failing to impose any controls when ten countries joined the EU, underestimating the number of migrant workers coming to the UK as a result of the changes by a factor of ten.
Local government minister Grant Shapps, who will release research commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government before last year’s election, said: ‘This is a shocking cover-up by Labour. Labour ministers spent over £100,000 of taxpayers’ money on research reports into immigration, and when they didn’t like the results they tried to brush it all under the carpet.
‘The new Government is being more honest with the public and so we will be making these reports public. We are introducing a series of measures to get immigration under control. Labour’s uncontrolled immigration put unacceptable pressures on public services and harmed community relations.’
The first report, a DCLG ‘economics paper’, was commissioned in 2009 at a cost of £24,275, and looked into immigration and rural economies.
Government advisers concluded that immigration had had a negative effect on the wages of British workers, particularly at the lower end of the income scale.
They also warned of a big increase in the number of National Insurance numbers being issued, with hundreds of thousands handed to illegal workers as there was no requirement for JobCentre staff to check whether a person was in the country legally.
In rural areas, migrants make up a third of food manufacturing workers, a quarter of farm workers and a fifth of hotel and restaurant workers, the report added. ‘There are challenges posed by language barriers, which can make access to services and integration within local communities more difficult,’ it said. 
‘Housing, healthcare and education could also be affected by an increase in local population, when some existing local services may already be under pressure.’
The largest clusters of migrant workers, the report said, were around Herefordshire, Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire and, to an extent, Somerset and Devon.
‘Far from being an urban phenomenon, recent migrants have increasingly chosen to settle in the countryside, in many cases in areas without a history of migration,’ the report added.
The second report, prepared by the Government’s regeneration and economic development analysis expert panel, looked at the impact of the economic downturn on migration. It was commissioned in 2008 at a cost of £3,400.
The report showed that the number of migrants entering the country with dependants increased dramatically from 2007 to 2008. Ministers were also warned that community tensions were likely to increase in the event of an economic downturn.
The third report, commissioned last year at a cost of £78,500, was designed to measure international and internal migration using information from a national database of school pupils. It found that one in eleven pupils spoke English as a second language.
Yesterday, Ed Miliband admitted the Labour government’s open door policy towards immigration from Eastern Europe had put ‘pressure on people’s wages’ by bringing about an influx of cheap migrant labour.
He also conceded that Labour ministers had been ‘wrong’ to say that a maximum of 13,000 migrants a year would come to the UK from Eastern Europe following EU enlargement in 2004. In the event, more than 600,000 arrived in the following two years.
And he warned that immigration had helped widen the gap between rich and poor by piling pressure on those in lower skilled jobs.
Labour’s former immigration minister Phil Woolas claimed last year that even at party gatherings, senior figures were reluctant to talk about one of voters’ chief concerns.
‘We had imposed a gag on ourselves,’ he said. And by the 2010 election, when the party did finally discuss the issue, ‘the public thought we were shutting the stable door after the horse had bolted and even worse that we were doing it for electoral gain

Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook
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04-03-2011, 09:21 AM
Post: #16
RE: What's the truth about immigration?
The rot started in 1948 when Atlee, without any reference to or consent of the indeginous
people, allowed ex colonials to have access to British Passports and therefore British Nationality.
This was an act of appeasement and a grave mistake in my opinion. Another excuse he used was that postwar Britain needed the colonials to fill the job market and do the menial work that the Brits didn't want to do. Hundreds of thousands poured in thereby needing housing, schooling etc.

The nation could have coped with the indigenous needs, the British always used to.

Since that year, the nation has starts to be watered down with all sorts of ethnics from abroad.

Idi Amin's Ugandan Asians followed, plus any riff raff who muttered the 'asylum' word.

There has been a downward spiral ever since, they have bred so fast, unfortunately even with Brits, been given totally equal rights and privileges, it is disgrace.

The situation will be difficult to reverse now, impossible even.

Britain will be coffee coloured within the next fifty years at this rate.

Some may find that ok, I don't, won't and never will.

However many laws are passed, many will never accept this situation.

The broad mass of a Nation will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one!
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19-03-2011, 03:47 PM
Post: #17
RE: What's the truth about immigration?
Yet again EU immigrants are being scapegoated but as page 6 of the PDF shows there are far more migrants from none EU countries which is (as usual) ignored.

Behind every sentence is a greater story - Takealook
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