98% demand a ban on new migrants as thousands support our Crusade

THE Crusade launched by the Daily Express yesterday to prevent a new surge of European immigration to Britain has already won massive support.

The Express 039 petition to prevent a new surge of EU immigration has already won huge support The Express' petition to prevent a new surge of EU immigration has already won huge support [TIM CLARKE]

More than 12,000 people have already signed our petition calling on the Government to keep controls on Bulgarian and Romanian workers coming here.

Our telephone switchboard and website were also inundated with expressions of support.

And in a further indication of the strength of public opposition to large-scale immigration, 98 per cent of readers taking part in a snap Daily Express phone poll agreed that Britain “should close its borders to ALL new migrants”.

Strict controls on EU migrants are due to lapse at midnight on December 31.

Prime Minister David Cameron says that we are obliged like other European Union member states to lift these restrictions. 

They were imposed when Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU in 2007 and were designed to put a strict limit on their citizens’ rights to work here.

 David Cameron says the UK is obliged to lift the restrictions [PA]

But campaigners estimate that as many as 70,000 a year could move here from the two countries once the controls are lifted.

Our petition urges Mr Cameron to defy the EU and insist that Britain will keep the restrictions in place.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman indicated that although Mr Cameron firmly believed it was right to put the controls in place in 2007, he did not see any scope for extending them beyond the New Year deadline.

The spokesman said: “They are transitional controls and they do come to an end.”

Stressing the Government had acted to reduce the pressures of immigration, he added: “The Prime Minster would say that more widely we need to bring net migration down. And we have a policy as a Government of doing that.”

EU, Immigration, Petition, Daily Express, Crusade, Romania, Bulgaria, David Cameron, Coalition Government, UK, Full, British workersNick Clegg was challenged over the Express' campaign on his weekly radio show [GETTY]

I am absolutely 100 per cent behind the Daily Express campaign. It ties in entirely with my Bill

Tory MP Peter Bone

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was yesterday challenged over our campaign during his weekly LBC 97.3 Radio phone-in show. 

A string of callers backed the Daily Express on immigration.

One caller to Mr Clegg’s show asked: “What is the Government actually going to do about immigration?

“Could we have a straight answer as to why the loophole hasn’t been closed down, why the numbers have not been reduced, what is actually going on? What are Brussels not allowing you to do?”

The europhile Lib Dem leader said he was aware of people’s concerns but suggested they were misplaced.

He claimed the scale of Romanian and Bulgarian arrivals would be nowhere near the massive numbers of eastern Europeans who came when their countries joined the EU in 2004, and the Labour government put no limits in place.

Nick Ferrari, host of the “Call Clegg” phone-on show, then directly challenged the Deputy PM on air about our Crusade. Mr Clegg insisted the Government had cut net immigration by about a third and made some “very, very significant changes” to the system.

EU, Immigration, Petition, Daily Express, Crusade, Romania, Bulgaria, David Cameron, Coalition Government, UK, Full, British workersPeople are backing our campaign to halt the flood of eastern European migrants [TIM CLARKE]

He added: “What I want to see is an immigration system that means that we are open to people that come to this country, that want to help out and want to work, and want to pay their taxes, want to play by the rules.

“Our public services depend on people coming to this country. The NHS would collapse overnight if we simply pulled up the drawbridge, and we should continue to give British citizens the freedom to go, as they do actually in very large numbers, to live elsewhere.

“So you can’t suddenly just put up a barrier but it’s got to be done in a way which is administratively competent and that people have confidence in.”

Mr Ferrari pressed Mr Clegg on whether he agreed with estimates that up to 70,000 Romanians and Bulgarians a year would flood into Britain. 

The Deputy PM said he did not know and that the Government had no intention of repeating Labour’s mistake of issuing inaccurate forecasts. 

He conceded: “I don’t want to deny people’s concern. It’s palpable. A lot of people have raised it with me.

“And I totally understand, having been given these, as it turned out to be misleading estimates which underestimated the number of people who came here from central and eastern Europe (in 2004).

“We shouldn’t automatically assume that it’s going to be exactly the same scale (as 2004), not least because there are a number of Bulgarian and Romanian communities, large communities, in other parts of the EU. That often suggests that is where people would tend to go. But of course we’re going to keep a very close eye on this.”

Later Mr Ferrari, who had hosted another show before the Call Clegg programme, told the Daily Express 95 per cent of people contacting him yesterday had backed our Crusade.

He said: “The moment we talked about it, the calls started flooding in. People are concerned about the sheer level of migration.”

Tory MP Peter Bone’s Private Member’s Bill calling for the restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian immigration to remain in force, is due for its Second Reading on November 29. 

Mr Bone said yesterday: “I am absolutely 100 per cent behind the Daily Express campaign. It ties in entirely with my Bill.

“Once again the Daily Express is speaking for the British people.”

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8:50am on Friday, 22nd November 2013
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clegg...what a joke. nhs would collapse! lmao. there are doctors dentists nurses pharmacists who studied in england , have huge debts doing so who cannot get jobs in england! yet immigrants come, get free education (grants and funding) and then take the very same jobs. talk of taxing these immigrants helping the uk...how about comparing what the contribute in taxes to what they cost the tax man in benefits, teaching them how to claim benefits, and not to spit etc etc.. how about you take care of the british people for once rather than immigrants. i agree there are immigrants who can help n better the UK, but this is a minority. maybe spend more time improving the uk, and once it is in a better place than the recession-ridden, EU-controlled and generally socially n financially fragile state it is in now....then maybe allow net positive immigration.

1:30pm on Tuesday, 5th November 2013
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@ExpatPerth if the english dont like the EU, how about england exits the EU, free trade & free movement for the english is dropped, duty for english goods & paid visa are introduced, english companies are not allowed to eastern european states to exploit the local eastern european population, as they do now!? would be fair enough, would it be not! bulgarians have always been too tolerant and have accepted any other peoples who have come, including the gypsies. gypsies cannot be integrated. the english would have not been able to integrate them either, just like religious extremists cannot be integrated. bulgarians have been a subject of genocide for thousands of years, too. in history england has worked against bulgarians which led to bulgarians' greatest national catastrophy - bulgarians lost more than half of their ethnic lands for england supported bulgaria's enemies. prevent straight access to social security but do not prevent access to work for good ones, in the name of LOVE

1:08pm on Tuesday, 5th November 2013
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UK media present a false image of bulgarians manipulating masses by fear. the truth is england thanks to good circumstances has exploited half the planet and has become rich this way. having controlled other lands, england has always received people from various places. 10 000 000 immigrants in the UK from 3d world places, who sit on social benefits. and many british are unhappy in the UK and by the thousands leave to go live else, including bulgaria. bulgarians (and romanians) are not the gypsies you present. Bulgarians are the first people who lived in south east europe since over 7 000 yaers ago, known as pelasgi, thraki, makedoni, moesi, gaethi, scythi, sklaveni (slavs) and bolgari/ bogari, who have given the world orpheus, alexander the great, spartacus, many eastern roman emperos, the cyrillic alphabet, the man who created the first el. computer in the world - john atanasoff. prevent straight access to social security but do not prevent access to work for good ones.do not be EVIL

9:46pm on Sunday, 3rd November 2013
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When it comes to standing up to the EU Cameron has the courage of a sewer rat. He will give what little independence over to the EU and Britain will be no more that another state in the Greater German Empire that is the EU

8:46pm on Sunday, 3rd November 2013
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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10423070/Press-row-PM-faces-questions-over-link-to-charity.html we now have proof from Cameron himself that he is a pro EU socialist, he is a patron of a Common Purpose organisation and was a founding member of Unite Against Fascism.

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