600,000 jobless migrants now swamping Britain’s welfare system

MORE than 600,000 EU migrants are jobless in the UK and costing the NHS £1.5billion, according to a new report.

jobless, eu, european, union, migrants, unemployed, nhs, benefits, JOBLESS: More than 600,000 EU migrants are jobless in the UK

The 291-page paper will be published this week by the European commissioner in charge of employment and welfare.

It shows that the number of migrants in Britain last year had risen by 42% since 2006.

Conservative MP Douglas Carswell said: “It is extraordinary how the European project has debased and debauched the original, noble idea of the welfare state.

“These figures show the wave of benefit migrants has become a tsunami of economic refugees fleeing the eurozone crisis to try to find jobs here.”

CRITIC: Carswell claims that the country is suffering from a 'tsunami' of migrants [PAUL STEWART] CRITIC: Carswell claims that the country is suffering from a 'tsunami' of migrants [PAUL STEWART]

“It is extraordinary how the European project has debased and debauched the original, noble idea of the welfare state.”

Douglas Carswell

The number of EU migrants coming to Britain without a job rose 73% in the three years to 2011, the report says.

The study’s details are the first to show the impact from mainly eastern European countries including Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Jobless drifters cost the NHS £1.5bn but the French health system just £3.4m.
