The Center for Science in the Public Interest reported that in 2010, only 10 percent of Americans had a healthy diet, while one-third of premature deaths resulted from unhealthy lifestyles. Healthy eating is essential for your well-being and protection against diseases; unhealthy eating can promote the development of chronic diseases and hinder your body from functioning properly. A healthy diet should have low levels of saturated fats, salt and cholesterol. It should also include vegetables, whole grains, fruits, milk, low-fat dairy products, lean meat products and plant proteins.

Boosts Immunity

Eating a nutrient-rich meal, especially one rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, carotenoids and flavonoids helps your body fight diseases. Well-balanced meals also ensure that your body obtains immunity-boosting nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and vitamins B-6, A, D and B-12. Unhealthy foods increase toxicity levels in your body, and fatty foods weaken your immunity.

Increases Energy Levels

The body’s main sources of energy are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Including healthy foods such as whole grains and nuts in your diet ensures a gradual and stable supply of energy. Your body breaks down these foods gradually while ensuring you have a continuous supply of energy. Unlike healthy foods, unhealthy foods and drinks have empty calories and artificial sweeteners that destabilize your sugar levels, leaving you feeling hungry and sluggish.

Encourages Weight Management

The type and quantity of food you eat determines the amount of fat your body accumulates. Unhealthy foods have unsaturated fats that accumulate in the body, and can lead to obesity, while healthy foods are rich in dietary fiber that leaves you feeling fuller for longer. A well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables also provides your body with metabolism-boosting nutrients such as vitamin A, riboflavin and niacin, which can help your body burn fat.

Emotional Well-being

Energy-giving foods such as carbohydrates and proteins leave you feeling energetic and upbeat, which helps your emotional wellness. According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, carbohydrates trigger a chain of chemical reactions that lead to the production of serotonin in the brain, a chemical that uplifts your mood. also reports that people who include fish, vegetables and fruits in their diets are less likely to suffer from depression. Unhealthy eating causes a deficiency of essential nutrients such as iron, which can leave you feeling dull and tired. When your body is not sufficiently hydrated, the results can be fatigue and low energy levels.

About the Author

Based in London, Thomas Williams has been professionally writing health-related articles for more than 10 years. His articles appeared in " Nottingham Evening Post.” Williams is a Masters holder in Clinical Science from the University of Liverpool.

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