Pink News reports: If accepted, the change to the law could lead to the reign of an openly gay or lesbian king or queen and for their same-sex partner to be recognised as consort. Any children born to the couple through artificial insemination or surrogacy would succeed to the throne so long as the couple are in a same-sex marriage or civil partnership. Current inheritance laws mean that if the couple had a child through adoption, they would not join the line of succession for the throne and it is not clear MPs would seek to change this. In order to secure a full debate, the amendment needs to be accepted by John Bercow, the speaker of the House of Commons, almost certain as he is a strong supporter of LGBT rights. It is expected to have the support of many Labour, Liberal Democrats and most Conservatives that back David Cameron’s plans to introduce same-sex marriage. The sticky wicket in this whole business is that the king or queen of England is also the titular head of the Church of England, which officially opposed same-sex marriage. One positive omen is that the rules of succession have already been amended recently to allow female children to inherit the throne. -- * alexoloughlin alexoloughlin It would send those Tory bigoted back benchers into a tail spin. Even if there were a gay monarch and he or she married, it wouldn’t be in the Anglican church because it’s opposed to same-sex marriage. I would gloat and rejoice if that were ever to happen. Jan 21, 2013 at 8:54 am · @Reply Reply to this comment · * 2eo