#insidejbs » Feed insidejbs » Comments Feed insidejbs » Stop Legalizing Same Sex Marriage! Comments Feed Some Climate Alarmists Refuse to Concede Isn’t It Puzzling? alternate alternate insidejbs WordPress.com insidejbs -- Some Climate Alarmists Refuse to Concede → Stop Legalizing Same Sex Marriage! Posted: October 22, 2014 | Author: insidejbs | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: Congress, constitution, Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, John McManus, judicial activists, marriage, Supreme Court, The John Birch Society, Thomas Jefferson, traditional marriage |4 Comments Stop Legalizing Same Sex Marriage! by JBS President John F. McManus There are, of course, many who insist that conferring legitimacy on same-sex marriage is perfectly proper, even overdue. Permit this writer to label the idea absurd, even an attack on civilization itself. “Supporters of traditional marriage rallied Tuesday in downtown San Diego outside the Federal Courthouse one day after those in favor of same sex marriage rallied in the same spot.” (Fox5 San Diego) If marriage between two men or two women is legal, even fostered by some in government, then the question ought to arise about how such a departure from previous norms became accepted. The answer is that there has been a turning away from traditional moors by the people, and the emergence of activist judges, even within the highest court in the land, who claim power to set their own rules for the conduct of fellow Americans, or who wink at the discarding of previous norms by their judicial partners. -- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Comments on “Stop Legalizing Same Sex Marriage!” 1. Douglas A. Logan says: October 22, 2014 at 4:21 pm Amen to John McManus’s article on the legalizing of Same Sex Marriage. Same Sex Marriage makes about much sense as “Dry Water”. Thank you John McManus for such a good and informative article. Come on AMERICA, inform everyone you know and more importantly write and call your U S Representatives and Senators and express your disregard. LikeLike Reply -- 2. rockinraleigh2013 says: October 23, 2014 at 1:58 pm We need to get out and vote to take back the Senate. If we can do that then perhaps Congress will at last be able to intervene in the marriage case and prevent these treasonous socialist lackey judges of Otraitor to usurp the meaning any further and allow the states their right to allow the voters to decide. If that would be the case, state after state would ban same sex marriage and the gags would be literally dead in the water. LikeLike Reply