[MexicanFlag.jpg] On March 4, 2010 Mexico City's Legislative Assembly voted 39-20 to uphold the freedom to marry for same-sex couples on December 21, 2009. The law defines marriage as "the free uniting of two people." The bill also legalizes adoption by gay couples. In August 2010, the Mexican Supreme Court ruled that the law honoring the freedom to marry in Mexico City is constitutional and all states must honor same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions. In May 2012, after dealing with a civil code that did not specifically state gender requirements for marriage, the state of Quintana Roo declared that all marriages between same-sex couples would be legal. In December 2012, the Mexican Supreme Court declared that the Oaxaca civil code restricting marriage to different-sex couples is unconstitutional. Because of Mexican law, the ruling currently only applies to the three couples who filed the suit. If the court rules the same way in two additional cases, binding national precedent is set in Mexico, and all other jurisdictions in the country will have the freedom to marry.