• Same-sex marriage allowed
  • Banned
  • Could be allowed pending appeals and further action

Overall, the percentage of people who are supportive of gay marriage has increased over the years.

A solid majority of Americans support same-sex marriage, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted in June. The survey shows that 56 percent of Americans support it and 38 percent oppose it.

Opinion over time

Percent who support, by age

Percent who support, by party

NOTE: March 2013 and previous asked "legal" or "illegal"; Aug. 5, 2012 Post-Kaiser poll; Aug. 29, 2004 among registered voters; Wording for 2004 and earlier was "homosexual couples."

SOURCES: SCOTUSblog, National Conference of State Legislatures, Washington Post-ABC News polls and news reports. Published Dec. 7, 2012.