critique see definition of critique Synonyms for critique * criticism star Antonyms for critique More words related to critique * criticism * critique criticism * critique * criticism * critique * critique * critique * critique 23 Synonyms found for critique critique 1702, restored Fr. spelling of 17c. critick "art of criticism" (see critic). Example Sentences for critique To critique how the dinosaurs and monsters were drawn would be a futile exercise. Afterwards join other artists in a gentle critique of the works. Book reviewers are trained to evaluate and critique texts. Have students discuss and critique each other's responses. The more inventive are using philosophy and the arts to critique dominant business mindsets. Other intellectuals found his critique of totalitarianism too harsh. We've also been attracting new members among faculty who agree that the sustainability movement is ripe for critique. In retrospect, my critique of modern psychiatry was probably too mild. Let us critique it in the context of our overall academic success. Don't look to the book, then, for an explanation of hiring trends in academe or for a critique of the faculty-labor system.