#The Memory Bank RSS Feed The Memory Bank » 1. Money in the Making of + 1. Money in the Making of Humanity + 3. Capitalism: Making Money with Money + 6. The Changing Character of Money + 7. The Future of Money and the Market + Money: One Anthropologist’s View + Money in an Unequal World + Intangible Money Matters + Money in an Unequal World; LETS and Me 1. Money in the Making of Humanity Ours is an age of money. Half the world worships money and the other half thinks of it as the root of all evil. In either case, money makes goods and services as equals. The problem is that markets use money: The unequal face of the age of money is “capitalism”; and the principal development is only two centuries old. The combination of money and Money is the problem, but it is also the solution. We have to find ways forms of money from the capitalist institutions which currently define them. I believe that, instead of taking money to be something scarce Money would then become multiple sources of personal credit, building repersonalisation of the economy is cheap information. Money was exchange employing money forms which reflect our individuality, so that money may be more meaningful to each of us as a means of participating stark contrast to state-made money in the 20th century, where citizens places to store money. Money today takes the principal form of exchanging money for money in forms increasingly separated from the objects by means of money (markets) and the exchange of meanings through words and signs (language) is becoming blurred. Money is becoming information and information money. This provides us with an opportunity to reassess the positive relationship of money to culture and civilisation. For the memory bank of this title is money itself. I association between money and collective memory. The formation of a present age of money as a possible prelude to the formation of a world justice for all could be a realistic goal and money and markets would addressing the problems with which the age of money confronts us. On money, machines and the market And that economy will operate with money at its heart, since buying and the system of money-making in which nation-states preside over the it is by no means the only one. Money and markets allow for a widening money, time and energy, for example; and few of us would rather be life. Rather than be overwhelmed by money as an external object of subjectively through it. Money would then be seen as the preserve of markets and money. After a century and a half when machine production function of impersonal money, people can now participate in markets of money, electronic payment systems and customised markets. Virtual Democratising access to money is indispensable to progress. Although electronic money, interest-free savings and loan schemes, closed we will look on money as one of many instruments invented by people to in the world. There are those, of course, who would consider money and two faces of money, capitalism and markets, the institutions which express the unequal reality and the potential equality of money. In order and disorder underlying human attempts to make money more Markets require money and people with lots of money exercise variant of market economy in which the owners of big money control, for between “making money with money”, the sparsest definition of conjuncture of money and machines which makes our phase of economic exploration of money and markets from a humanist point of view. The sequence of chapters is as follows: the machine revolution; money in the market; the history of money considered as itself; and finally the goods, money and information is having a cumulative impact on landed this chapter “Money in the making of humanity”. A “bank” is a place where things of value, usually money, are stored “the memory bank” is money, but it is also this book itself, which was readers. Money provides a useful starting point and central focus for There are good reasons for approaching money as a memory bank in this cultures which take their word for coinage from them, money was at The idea of money as a source of social memory was also crucial for believed that money launched humanity from the state of nature onto the perishable products, the scope for property was restricted. Money, by intergenerational transmission of inequality. For Locke then, money was In our own day, we have seen money transformed from metallic objects to burglar who claims not to enjoy robbing banks any more. The money digitalised information. [8] [xvii] Money in this form is little more money, “capitalists”, today the form of that domination has moved on to what I call virtual capitalism. This is a phase of “making money with money” in which the money circuit is increasingly detached from real long-distance exchange is mainly of money for money in a bewildering revolution provides the most compelling reason for locating money in In the later chapters of this book, I suggest that money will able to make money for our personal and shared purposes. In the context of more democratic access to money, it will become clearer that its that we choose to calculate. We will make money in many different ways Seen in this light, money and language are the chief cultural whose formation this book points, through its discourse on money, money, drawing on all my experience, both professional and otherwise. social anthropology, I had chosen the topic of money. [10] [xix] My own life-long interest in money had taken many forms inside and outside the and a general obsession with prices and quantification. Money provided Philosophy of Money. [xxviii] drawn extensively on the example of two more recent writers on money, edge of water 2. A business establishment in which money is kept 3. A Words and Civil Government: John Locke’s philosophy of money, [xxix] Georg Simmel The Philosophy of Money, Routledge, London,1978 (1900); J.M. Keynes A Treatise on Money (2 vols), Macmillan, London, The two great memory banks are language and money. Exchange of meanings through language and of objects through money are now + The anthropology of money and finance: from ethnography to + Money