  • Money is important.

    Money is important. Without money you can't buy your favorite things or live in a normal life. True love? Friendship? It will only lead to sad endings and you can't bring that to the bank and make you happy. Money makes me happy because of these things and nothing more.

  • Money money money

    Without money you always worried about paying bills, keeping a roof over your head and living a comftable life, and with money you can have complete peice of mind knowing you have it all and never have to worry about anything, with money you can own a home, you don't have to rent, drive a good car, travel, and never worry about not being able to afford things and live a comftable carefree life. Money is KING.

  • Money brings peace

    Money can make one go on holiday enjoy life, able to help those who r in the need of it and it will reduce comparison of other people's pockets. Money brings peace and prosperity and makes one feel totally independent. It makes one feel that u cant lack anything and u can live ur life freely without any1s criticisms, and orders from all kinds of weirdos :P

  • More money, more happiness.

    Money is the basic need in our lives. Without money life is impossible on Earth. Money should only be earned through hard work. It makes everyone happy including you. The people around will appreciate your work, which makes you feel proud. You could even give gifts to others to make them happy. When they feel happy, you feel more happy. More money gives us joy and happiness but lack of money gives us pain and problems. That is why the more money you have the better life you can lead and you will also be happy.

  • Everything but money

    I should be happy. I have a great husband and a beautiful daughter. But I'm not, I'm depressed because we don't have enough money to meet our basic needs (a place to live/rent, transportation). Nor do we have any money to go out with each other or friends. This has caused many fights in our marriage (stress) and I have lost many friends. (and don't tell me I need better friends. When everyone goes out for drinks should I just sit there and not order anything, and can't afford a babysitter)Plus Its affecting my daughter because I can't afford to bring her to classes or anywhere to socialize. You don't need to be rich to be happy but you do need enough for the necessities.

  • Money can buy you happiness

    Where is the happiness in having a loved one but you don't have money to fulfill her dreams or even make her happy. The truth is money can buy anything even happiness. If you have money, you can enjoy your life, you can do whatever you want, you might even find new friends by visiting places. Money is ultimatum!.. Even if you have no love in your life but have unlimited money you can atleast be happy by satisfying your needs!...
    Love and affection will hurt in the future, it ends but if you have money till your death you will atleast live your life!

  • The more money we have the happier we are

    Its totally true. Having more money is not just a good luck, but it is the thing which makes our life enjoyable, happy. In today's world without money we are not able to do anything. In fact money is the only thing which can make us popular in the society and the world. If we have money we can do anything- for our happiness, for our loved ones. More money may give power but lack of money cannot give anything except tensions and problems.

  • For those who think money cannot bring true happiness

    Think? Can you pay your bills with a hug?
    In today's world money can buy everything even happiness. You may be very friendly and lovable but people will not at all care to be with you unless you have money. The importance of money can only be known to a mother whose child is dying out of hunger or to a wife who doesn't have enough money to cure her sick and dying husband.

  • Money is not neccecary but it is enough

    Money may not be necessary to achieve happiness but it is enough while happiness can be achieved without money it can be used as a tool to achieve happiness for example lets say you like to see new places or meet new people, if you are a wealthy person you can go anywhere you want at any time you want allowing you to be happy. The problem for many people is relationships or true love but if you are wealthy it does not take that away it just widens the field allowing you to meet more women/men because of your freedom and travelling.

  • I think those who don't want more money are either ignorant, or even selfish.

    It is simple, without money we simply could not live to the standard in which we choose to live our lives on a daily basis. I know if I (and the 99% of the worlds population) had more money life would be less stressful to varying degrees. From not having to worry about where the next meal is coming from or where to sleep that night, to being able to afford luxuries like travel, or be in a position to help others financially. I personally think very few people would turn down the chance of having a bit more money, if not, they may be ignorant to the fact it puts them in a position to help others who are not in their position.

  • Money is not every thing

    It can buy a house not home
    it can buy bed not sleep
    it can buy clock not time
    it can buy book not knowledge
    it can buy position not respect
    it can buy medicine not health
    it can buy blood not life
    it cant buy manners, morals or character
    it cant even buy patience , trust integrity or common sense

  • Money is just a means!

    Although I don't have much money, I am already happy. In my opinion, money is an important means of getting what u want; what makes you happy; but still, it is not the only means. There are a lot of ways to be happy that do not require money, and on the other hand, money can not satisfy all the needs of man.

  • Money isn't happiness

    If money is all one need to be happy, why are so many rich Singaporeans not happy? The pursuit for money is perpetual, any amount of money is unable to feed the insatiable human beings. Money has turned us into it's slave, we burnt our youth trying to earn as much as we could. No doubt, money brings about comfortable living and the so-called upper class status. But, can money buy intangible things like family or true friends? With money, it's always easy to make friends, just that how genuine is the friendship? Will these friends stay with you when you're broke? Time to re-evaluate the meaning and functions of money

  • Money may be important and give pleasure but the greed for money can sink you

    Money may give pleasures but many job-holders are living in stress because even though they have money they don't have happiness, relief.They may be highly paid but we need money for our family and us then what's the use of money due to which we don't have time for our family;friends and themselves and the greed for money will never let us live in peace. We should always remember that we should control money but money should not control us

  • Money may be important and give pleasure but the greed for money can sink you

    Money may give pleasures but many job-holders are living in stress because even though they have money they don't have happiness, relief.They may be highly paid but we need money for our family and us then what's the use of money due to which we don't have time for our family;friends and themselves and the greed for money will never let us live in peace. We should always remember that we should control money but money should not control us

  • Money isn't everything

    People work hard to earn money to spend on their health but they are forgetting their health to earn money.We should be happy first then we should think of money,we should be satisfied.We should not run after money because money can even destroy us,our family and our relationships.Money is not everything.

  • I don`t like to speak critically, but no

    No doubt the money now - is the most important thing on earth. With the money you are respected, confident, you can afford a lot. But, all the same happiness is not money, because we have a saying: the poor wants to be - a rich, rich god. Leaning on saying I can say that human needs are endless, but happiness is a relative thing and fleeting that it can be contained in a hard-things such as love and family

  • Money helps everything but the beset things in life our free

    Whilst of course it is true that poverty is a nightmare it is possible to live on basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter) and still be happy as I have done in the past. Its a positive attitude and friends and family that see you through these times. You can be rich but lonely after all. Plus for instance a father who only ever gives money but not time to his children is not really investing in their emotional happiness. Many beautiful things are free like love, sunsets, dancing, playing a sport etc. Too much money can lead to apathy, greed, snobbishness and massive egos.

  • Money is the most wicked thing

    YES money gives us a house but greed of money will lead us to like being blind and hitting a car. Yes I do apperiacite the worth of money but when you will be rich you wouldnt enjoy your families love. If we cant feel the support of family will cant live life

  • Money is the most wicked thing

    YES money gives us a house but greed of money will lead us to like being blind and hitting a car. Yes I do apperiacite the worth of money but when you will be rich you wouldnt enjoy your families love. If we cant feel the support of family will cant live life

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Quan says2013-08-22T19:31:58.227
It's enough to prevent financial problems from making me unhappy.
Anonymous says2013-08-28T15:58:58.113
If you read the comment and take it as 100% literally, then no money alone is not enough to make you happy. If you have a million dollars but got that from car accident that has left you with very limited quality of life, chances are you aren't going to be happier than a person who can have their basic needs met. And huge amounts of money that enable you to experience everything from traveling to exotic locations, having servants, gorgeous cars and homes, etc. Creates discontentment because it is harder and harder to find something that you haven't experienced. So you are just on a search all the time for a "new experience". If money was enough to make someone happy then wealthy people (celebrities) wouldn't be dying of drug overdoses.
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