
In today's society, what's the median of success: money (yes) or moral values (no)?

Asked by: HikmatJ
  • Money helps us to live

    We need money to buy things, food with money, house with money and clothes with money. Company needs money to create new projects and farmer need money to buy crops , water and ground. Even international schools and academies needs money. Play with friends need money too. Like to eat snacks, or going to amuseument park

  • Yes money is important

    Everything in modern society is based on money. As the saying goes, money makes the world go around.
    Parents object to their daughters' marriages unless their future sons-in-laws have jobs with good prospects.
    Many young people marry for money rather than love. Security is more important than happiness.
    Some people in Shanghai would even trade their self-esteem for money.
    Materialism influences education, too. Students acquire knowledge not for its own sake, but for a bigger wage.
    Students choose business courses rather than liberal arts for the sake of earning big money in the future.
    Very few people want to be teachers because teaching is not a lucrative profession.
    More emphasis is put on material life than on spiritual life in modern society.
    People do anything in their power to earn money to buy their houses, furniture, cars, etc.
    People are trained to be acquisitive from an early age and are not considered successful unless they make good money.
    People spend most of their lives struggling frantically to keep up with their neighbors.
    Wealthy nations can succeed by offering their poorer talented neighbors bigger salaries.
    Financial rewards for pop stars make many people envy them.
    A desire to earn more money is nothing to be ashamed of.
    Deng Xiao-ping said, "To get rich is glorious."
    Being poor is not very much fun.
    Being rich allows you to do what you want.
    If you are rich, many people want you for a friend.
    It is easier to marry well if you are wealthy.
    Being wealthy allows you to enjoy life to the fullest.
    The man who has the money makes the rules.

  • Success is valued in terms of money

    In our society today, mainstream media have successfully convinced many of us into accepting a false and morally meaningless definition of success. People want us to believe that receiving an enormous paycheck, living in a luxurious house, and owning all of the latest equipment is the key to happiness and success. In real life, we all know there comes a lot more to being a truly successful individual. True success necessitates esteem, gratitude, honesty, patience, and persistence. All of these necessities to become successful are not traits we are born with, but things we strive to attain while becoming the best that we can be. Marketers want us to believe that living a pricey, well-appointed life, involving nothing but the quest for money will bring us success, fame and happiness.Today having huge amount of assets make people believe that a person is very successful.But my friends if a person has huge amount of assets inherited from their ancestors,then also people will think that he/she is successful but, it's not true.This false interception has grew to an extent now-a-days.

  • Money is all

    Morals is for the people with enough money to pay for the simple necessities in life. A person suffering from poverty does not have the time to think whether something is right or wrong, they just want to be able to pay for the bare minimum they need to survive. On the contrary rich people have all the time in the world to think about morals and simple ethics. In the Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Henry seemed a strange character because he was so immoral in every way unlike every other rich man/woman. Lord Henry's whole life ,however, is run by morals. Morals are anything you make it. If you believe getting high and sleeping with the guy you met last night in the bar is moral, it is. Morality is a lesson, one concerning what is right or prudent and can be derived from a story, a piece of info, or an experience. Morals vary between people. Therefore, the value of morals decreases against the value of money. And i conclude, based on inductive reasoning, that money is truly more important than morals.

  • Yes, money means power.

    Yes, in today's society, the median of success is money, because a person who has money can buy success. A person with money can send their child to the best schools. They can use their money to influence politicians. They can buy social standing. A moral person, on their own, will not be popular.

  • Money explains values

    Today having success is having money because our success depends on the ways we choose to achieve having values may be necessary but having money provides you the opportunity to be ahead of others today the world is selfish, person with values may survive but cant lead a successful life.

  • Success goes hand in hand with wealth

    Let me just make one thing perfectly clear - If I make absolutely no conscious effort to acquire money in today's society, I will most likely become homeless and starve to death due to the fact that my basic human needs - shelter and food - are withheld from me due to my lack of financial status. That being said, in the eyes of most people, becoming homeless is probably the least successful thing that can happen to you. Why? Because you don't have any money, you don't have high social status, and people tend to ignore you on the street.
    People don't equate being unsuccessful to being morally wrong. If a "successful" person sees an "unsuccessful" homeless man on the street, the successful person might feel bad for the homeless man. The reason why is because sometimes people become homeless through no fault of their own. If people equate being homeless with being unsuccessful - which most do - then if morals are the means of success, all homeless people, in the mindset of today's society, must be immoral or harbor immoral thoughts. This just isn't true.
    The amount of money and the more connections you have to make more money is the lone characteristic that decides success. I wish this wasn't the case but in today's day and age it is.

  • Money In Today's World

    In today’s world, success is seen as having a house, family, job, and a car. That all comes from money. In the modern world success is measured by money, and one simply can’t deny that.

    Moral values doesn’t mean anything if you want to be seen as successful. You could be the biggest jerk on the face of the earth, but also a CEO of a big company, and people overlook the first one, and those people are often seen as successful.

    Moral values like respect, honesty, humbleness; they have been wiped from the face of the earth when it comes to success. The modern society nowadays sees success as one thing; the amount of money you have.

    Look at this way. A really good person, who is homeless, compared to a person who lies and cheats, but has a job, house, and car. Ask anyone, who is more successful? There is your answer.

  • I dont think so

    Because money is nothing for me, yeah we need it and now i need it more than other man, but i am will think its not important. Money like a hand dirty, when you wash your hands. Its gone. The seciety no need money but moral. Moral valume is what i accepted.

  • Still money is important

    I strongly disagree with your stand. You mentioned that money are equal to dirts on hand. You should consider something, that you wash your hand each time after you finish eating. Therefore, it doesn't mean that you don't need food after that. Don't you think so? So, money is something that has no substitute.!

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