What's a Vegetarian? What's a Vegetarian? KidsHealth > For Kids > What's a Vegetarian? * Many Types of Vegetarians * Why Are People Vegetarians? * Can Kids Be Vegetarians? * Do Vegetarians Need Multivitamin Supplements? "I can't eat that, I'm a vegetarian!" instead. Did you wonder what a vegetarian is exactly? A vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat meat, and mostly eats foods stricter vegetarians avoid more than just meat. They also avoid animal Many Types of Vegetarians There are many kinds of vegetarians. Here are some of them: * lacto-ovo vegetarian: eats no meat, but will eat dairy products * ovo-vegetarian: eats eggs, but no meat or dairy products And many other people are semi-vegetarians who don't eat meat, but may Why Are People Vegetarians? People have different reasons for becoming vegetarians. Some follow vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diets for health reasons. For instance, a vegetarians when they explain why they don't eat meat. In addition, some cultures and religions have vegetarian diets. Can Kids Be Vegetarians? Kids can be vegetarians, but they can't do it alone. They need So someone who's a vegetarian needs to take care to replace those Kids who are vegetarians can get the nutrients they need, especially if For instance, a vegetarian who still drink milks and eats eggs can get sources. Vegetarians can get the iron they need from cooked dried (like milk, cheese, and yogurt) contain calcium. Vegetarians who don't Vegetarians can meet protein requirements by eating a variety of plant sources of protein for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Vegetarians can get B12 from milk and eggs, vitamin-fortified foods Do Vegetarians Need Multivitamin Supplements? With a well-planned vegetarian diet, the food a person eats can supply Lots of kids think about becoming vegetarian and some decide to take vegetarian will probably say it's great (as long as you get the proper nutrition). A parent who's not a vegetarian may be concerned about your you'd need to make as a vegetarian. If your parents don't want you to switch to a vegetarian diet, consider a compromise. Ask if they will eat vegetarian one or two days a week. Offer to help plan the meals for those veggie days. Why not dig into some vegetarian cookbooks and start coming up with ideas? Show your family how delicious a vegetarian meal * About Vegetarian Recipes