The rise of the non-veggie vegetarian Vegetarianism used to be simple - its protagonists foreswore the flesh who eat no meat but don't call themselves vegetarians. What happened? "Yeah, I'm a vegetarian." "vegetarian" and their interrogator cover the issue of what is an animal and whether fish feel pain. But the Vegetarian Society, which has acted as the custodian of British vegetarianism since 1847, has a "A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or The society tackles the issue of fish-eating vegetarians with a page headed in red capitals: "VEGETARIANS DO NOT EAT FISH." Juliet Gellatley, director of the vegan and vegetarian group Viva, is vegetarian. "It does cause confusion if someone who calls themselves a vegetarian Many of the fish-eating vegetarians will be making a dietary exception intake is thought to help fight heart disease. Vegetarian organisations Classic vegetarian: Eats no part of any dead animal There may also be a tendency among some fish-eating vegetarians to something that is vehemently rejected by vegetarians. Vegetarian escalator Fish-eating vegetarians used to have their own term - "pescetarian" - says, there is a rise in the use of a new term for the part-vegetarian. Eschew on that - vegetarians typically start by giving up red meat But for vegetarian activists, anybody taking on the vegetarian badge says Ms Gellately, alluding to a virtual vegetarian escalator. see vegetarianism as aspirational." fish-eating vegetarianism, concrete numbers are not easy to come by. classic vegetarianism is now stagnant. It rose from 0.2% of the "I am a vegetarian". But the Food Standards Agency's recent Public strictly vegetarian, and 5% partly vegetarian. Viva cites a survey done on behalf of the Linda McCartney vegetarian vegetarian these days. Vegetarian food has had some powerful backers She was raised mostly as a vegetarian, but given fish for health reasons. She became an orthodox vegetarian at university but then "I was brought up as a vegetarian. We were given the choice when we [when young]. When I became a proper vegetarian I started to get quite eating an animal. She uses the term "vegetarian" almost for the sake of One of the reasons it's so hard to assess the level of vegetarianism is without necessarily ever calling themselves "vegetarian". might well accept the ethical basis of vegetarianism. I agree with humane farming methods. In my mind a vegetarian who eats fundamentally different from being vegetarian. However, most people vegetarian, but I also eat fish". In my experience about half of the people who identify themselves as vegetarian have some kind of caveat recognised as the vegetarian diet. "Oh, you're vegetarian then." "No, vegetarians don't eat fish" as veggie, whose only adherence to vegetarianism is that they don't eat I class myself as vegetarian, but I still eat products than contain I was raised vegetarian, by a strict veggie mum. I tried meat, at 13 I [when young]. When I became a proper vegetarian I started to get quite ill and tired." This statement shows that even amongst vegetarians acids found in fish can also be found in a vegetarian diet - minus health, vegetarians must educate themselves properly. I have been vegetarian for over 20 years, do not eat fish and do not feel "ill and Vegetarian Society