Becoming a Vegetarian Going vegetarian can be delicious. You have every fruit, vegetable, or to include some vegetarian meals in your week. When you eat a vegetarian meal, you don't eat meat, poultry, or fish. of a classic vegetarian meal. Serving of vegetarian lasagna If you're used to eating meat, look for vegetarian versions of your Make Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers Because they are lower in or free of animal products, vegetarian diets shown that vegetarians are less likely to get certain diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. A vegetarian that is filled with Although zinc is found in many vegetarian foods, it is not as well Is a Vegetarian Diet OK for Kids? A vegetarian diet can be safe for kids, and it's probably good for Go Vegetarian Part Time You don't need to be a vegetarian 7 days a week to reap many of the American Heart Association: "Vegetarian Diets." Vegetarian Resource Group: “The Market for Vegetarian Foods.” WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise: “Healthy Eating -- Vegetarian Diets and Organic Foods,” “Vegetarian Diets -- What is a vegetarian?” “Vegetarian Diets -- How can vegetarians eat a balanced diet?" U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Vegetarian Diets." Vegetarian.” WebMD Feature: “Best-Tasting Vegetarian Foods.” WebMD Expert Commentary from “Vegetarian Kids.”