How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian * There are different types of vegetarian diets. * Eating a healthy vegetarian diet requires you to pay attention to * Being a healthy vegetarian is possible! A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat meat, including beef, chicken, There are different types of vegetarians: Flexitarian: Flexitarians are also known as semi–vegetarians. They Pesci–vegetarian: Pesci–vegetarians eat fish, dairy, and eggs but don’t Lacto–ovo vegetarian: Lacto–ovo vegetarians don’t eat meat, fish or means dairy). This is the most common type of vegetarian diet. Lacto vegetarian: Lacto vegetarians don’t eat meat, fish, poultry or Ovo vegetarian: Ovo vegetarians don’t eat meat, fish, poultry or dairy, types of vegetarians) choose not to wear clothes containing animal Why do people decide to be vegetarian? People decide to become a vegetarian for many reasons. Some common Deciding to become vegetarian is an individual decision. Are vegetarian diets healthy? Vegetarian diets can be healthy and may even lower the risk of heart when you are vegetarian requires some extra attention. Because vegetarians take out certain foods from their diets, they often need to legumes, nuts and seeds, soy products, and whole grains, vegetarians can get adequate nutrients from non–meat sources. Vegetarians, that your body needs. Vegetarians should be sure to eat a variety of Protein is needed for your muscles to grow. Vegetarians have to be with protein-containing vegetarian foods. Nuts, nut butters (including must eat food fortified with B12. For vegetarians who are not vegans, prevent heart disease. Vegans or vegetarians who don’t eat eggs must vegetarian diet? vegetarian diet without knowing how to do it in a healthy way. If you become a vegetarian, your parents may be more likely to understand. You vegetarian cookbooks or nutritional information with your parents and following a vegetarian diet: enough protein and other nutrients into your vegetarian diet. You can also look at vegetarian cookbooks or websites for more ideas. As Vegetarian Sample Menu 1 Vegetarian Sample Menu 2 Additional Resources Tags: healthy eating, vegetarian, vitamins and minerals * How can I convince my parents that being a vegetarian is healthy? vegetarian diet: * Vegetarian baked or refried beans Vegetarian Sample Menu 1, vegan modifications in parentheses: Vegetarian Sample Menu 2, vegan modifications in parentheses: * The Teen’s Vegetarian Cookbook by Judy Krizmanic * Vegetables Rock! A Complete Guide for Teenage Vegetarians by