__________________________________________________________________ This teacher’s list of ‘101 ways to cope with stress’ is brilliant Posted Saturday 17 September 2016 10:30 by Jessica Brown in discover --                stress.jpg During one of their first lessons of the year, a psychology class were given a list of ‘101 ways to cope with stress’ by their teacher Brett Phillips. -- Twitter this week with some of her favourites highlighted. My psychology teacher gave us this paper on how to cope with stress and thought I'd share it 😊 pic.twitter.com/tqNIZRiMzM — lina ⚓️ (@lovelyyy_lina) September 2, 2016 Speaking to BuzzFeed, the student, Alina Ramirez, said Mr Phillips knows how stressed her and her classmates get with school, work and just general life. -- * Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight * Recognize the importance of unconditional love * Remember that stress is an attitude * Keep a journal * Practice a monster smile