dot dot dot dot Stress - How Stress Works tile There are different reasons why stress is bad for your health. Dr Bruce McEwen from the Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology at the Rockefeller University, New York, lumps the body's reactions to stress together under the term "allostasis", which derives from the Greek "allo" meaning variable and "stasis" meaning stability. Click to Listen Bruce McEwen speaks to The Health Report about allostatic load and what stress does to the body. Download free Real Audio. When challenged, the body releases the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline to help it respond to the threat. These quicken the pulse and breathing and increase blood pressure as part of the body's "fight or flight" response. We need stress hormones to help us to survive, but Dr McEwen says, prolonged exposure places an "allostatic load" on the body that can also be damaging - lowering the immune system and damaging bones, organs and brain cells. For example, someone who is constantly told what to do at work, is engaged in continual interpersonal conflict or lives in a dangerous neighbourhood and has little control over his life is likely to over-produce stress hormones, placing an allostatic load on his body and health. People with depression, which Dr McEwen says produces similar hormones in the body to stress, often suffer a loss of bone material. This is presumably related to elevated levels of cortisol and reduced levels of other mediators involved with bone metabolism. In chronic depression there is often also a loss of muscle mass and an increased deposition of fat, especially around the abdomen. Other studies suggest that stress hormones also affect body fat, especially abdominal fat. So it's likely that chronic stress plays a role in the famous Australian beer gut. tile Genetic factors are also important in determining how your body reacts to stress: * People with a history of high blood pressure often have elevated blood pressure in stress situations that stays elevated after the event has passed. * Non-insulin dependant diabetics are more sensitive to the effects of stress, especially the build-up of body fat and coronary heart disease. Effects of Chronic Stress From animal experiments it is known that high levels of cortisol lead to impaired function of the brain with age, and can lead to reduced function of the hippocampus and loss of brain cells. Other studies show the same results in humans who've led tough lives. Being exposed to lots of stress, a high allostatic load and presumably high levels of cortisol, causes the body and brain to age more quickly. Environmental factors Childhood experiences can also affect a person's ability to cope with stress throughout their life: A Swedish study showed family conflict increases the incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes in children; perhaps because the stress affects some of the immune mechanisms thought to be responsible for destroying the pancreas. On the other hand, events in early life can also have a positive impact. A Canadian study demonstrated that newborn animals that are patted and gently handled produce lower amounts of cortisol in response to stress than others that have less physical contact. Stress Hormones and Autoimmunity Chronically high stress might be hard on the body, but not enough stress hormones can be just as bad. Animal studies suggest that if the body doesn't produce enough cortisol this can lead to inflammatory disease and autoimmunity, which happens when the immune system attacks the body itself. So people who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis perhaps don't produce enough cortisol to keep their immune systems healthy. Good Stress Ironically, while prolonged stress is bad your health, short bursts of acute stress can be good for you... home control good stress glossary The Lab (c) 1998 Australian Broadcasting Corporation