The secret of good sleep? Embracing your stress 

Boudicca Fox-Leonard
Can meditation bust sleep stress? Credit: Andrew Crowley

Lying in a £100,000 bed in a luxury showroom, I finally think I’ve cracked it, the secret of a good night’s sleep; but even as the handmade horsehair mattress holds me in place, and my head melts into the goose-down pillow, that ever-present “to do” list surfaces in my mind. 

We’re in the grip of a stress-insomnia epidemic. A report by the Sleep Council in 2014 found that 72 per cent of those questioned blamed stress for sleeping problems, and with one in six people in Europe suffering from chronic anxiety, it’s small wonder. 

So, while the good news is that the key to a good night’s sleep isn’t dependent on the size of your wallet, the real challenge to unlocking those difficult gates to sleep is getting on top of our anxiety: be it work-related, relationships or sleep itself.

Sleep has had a bit of an image crisis in recent years – put off, squeezed in and viewed as a waste of time. We are sleeping an hour and a half less each night than we did 25 years ago, and a national survey by Bensons for Beds found that 46 per cent of us regularly achieved only five to six hours’ sleep per night – well below the recommended seven to eight hours.

But in her new book, The Sleep Revolution, released this month, businesswoman Arianna Huffington has turned the tables on the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” attitude, arguing that in today’s perpetually harried world, a good night’s sleep is more important than ever.

The benefits are fundamental to us all, from our general wellbeing and mood to the health of our immune and cardiovascular systems. Indeed, a new study by the University of California found that someone who slept five or fewer hours a night had a 28 per cent higher chance of catching a cold than those who got more shuteye.

We are all guilty of viewing our bodies as infinite resources that can be primed, exhausted, and filled back up again with calories so that we can keep going. But the result of that behaviour can be burn-out: and our sleep is where we often feel the effects of stress first. So why, when we want it so badly, is sleep so elusive?

Stress induced insomnia is affecting more and more of us Credit: Andrew Crowley/Andrew Crowley

I decide to book myself into west London’s Sleep School to find out. However, the night before my appointment I wake up three times. The anticipation that I need to make an unfamiliar route across London at rush hour to arrive promptly at 8am is enough to disturb my night’s rest. When I tell Dr Kat Lederle, she’s completely unsurprised.

“The main reason the people we see are suffering from insomnia is down to ruminating thoughts,” she says. It is estimated that up to a quarter of the population now suffers from insomnia, with as many as 45 per cent citing work stress as the primary cause. 

At the extreme, Dr Lederle sees people whose anxieties have taken over their nightlife and, indeed, their daytime lives to the point where they avoid going for that promotion or that exciting trip abroad for fear the stress will stop them sleeping. “Allowing these monsters in their heads to take over is removing all the joy from their lives,” says Dr Lederle. 

Far from being a modern malaise, our stress and worry isn’t all down to the frenetic pace of 21st-century life. Worry is an instinct. It affects the sleep of everyone, not just those in the developed world.

Dr Lederle says: “From an evolutionary perspective we need to worry. It’s to do with our fight-or-flight response. Thousands of years ago you might have been wondering if there’s a lion behind a bush, so our body releases [the stress hormone] cortisol to get us ready. Worry is a good thing for our survival. However, there could be no lion behind the bush, it could be some delicious berries. ”

Those prehistoric struggles for daily survival may have been replaced by our comfy homes and the routine of nine to five (and the rest), but our brains haven’t stopped looking for something to worry about. 

“Consuming thoughts are part of us,” says Dr Lederle. “And some of us are more predisposed than others.”

So how can we kick the monsters out of our beds? Wrong approach, says Dr Lederle. Far from putting fretful thoughts to the back of your mind, we should be embracing them.

“With negative thoughts, our natural response is to try and push them away. But at the Sleep School we say, ‘be familiar with them’. It’s the exact opposite of what we want to do, but move towards these unwelcome thoughts, almost like a friend. This sends a signal to your amygdala [the part of the brain responsible for emotions and decision-making] that you’re safe.”

So next time I’m lying in bed, I should confront my “to do” list and make friends with it? “You can try to block things out but the thoughts just come back in bigger and greater numbers. Instead, get to know them and they will appear less frightening.”

If you’re not quite ready to face your night fears head-on, then there are other approaches to de-stressing you can try. The not very soothing term “sleep hygiene” is used to describe the environment in which we attempt to put ourselves to bed. 

“It’s about all the things you can do to gear yourself up to go to sleep by quietening the body and the mind,” says Samantha Briscoe, senior clinical physiologist at the London Bridge Hospital’s Sleep Centre. These include: not having caffeine after midday (it stays in the system for six hours); having a meal at an appropriate time so that you’re neither hungry nor too full; and not exercising too late in the evening as this can leave you with higher levels of cortisol. Sadly, the glass of wine that helps you “unwind” is also not good sleep hygiene, as you are more likely to wake during the night and struggle to get into those restorative deep sleep phases.

“Screen discipline” is another factor. Laptops, tablets and smartphones in bed wreak havoc with our sleep. A 2011 National Sleep Survey revealed that 95 per cent of people used some kind of electronics in the hour before bed and about two-thirds admitted they did not get enough sleep during the week. Baby boomers or people aged 46-64 years old were the biggest offenders for watching television before going to sleep, while more than a third of 13 to 18-year-olds and 28 per cent of 19 to 29-year-olds played video games before bedtime.

Technology in the bedroom could be ruining your kip Credit: Andrew Crowley/Andrew Crowley

Not only is checking a work email unlikely to help you fall asleep peacefully, the blue light produced by phones plays havoc with our circadian rhythm (our body’s natural body clock). Light is a natural stimulant for alertness, and blue light is the worst of them all. 

“I’ve had patients in the sleep centre who’ve put their phone under their pillow before going to sleep,” says Briscoe. “They don’t realise how disturbing the light or vibrating from a phone can be.”

So what should we be doing? Briscoe recommends setting the bedroom ambience with low lighting; having a hot bath, as temperature is something that helps trigger our sleep; or even trying to read a good old-fashioned book.

Of course, your bed itself is a factor. A good mattress, preferably with natural fibres that help regulate your body temperature, will help you get undisturbed sleep. Swedish luxury bed maker Hästens, whose top-of-the-range Vividus bed I had the pleasure of trying, has seen a rise in demand for beds for teenagers who are struggling with exam stress.

“It’s all about unwinding from the day and getting your bed right is a good place to start,” says Hästens’ Leeam Isher-Saundh. Similarly, in The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington extols the joy of changing into good pyjamas to signal to her body that she’s sleep-ready. 

Making a “gratitude list” before bed, she says, “focuses my mind on the blessings in my life – rather than on the running list of unresolved problems”.

Experimenting with a combination of these factors might help us to improve our sleep, but Briscoe warns that there is a risk of overanalysing our sleep habits. For insomniacs, obsessing over the details of sleep, whether by wearing a fitness tracker such as a Jawbone or keeping a sleep diary, can add to sleep stress.

Meditation could open the gates of Somnus for you Credit: Andrew Crowley

“Patients with insomnia tend to get in their own head too much. They worry about that meeting tomorrow, and then worry they won’t sleep and then they worry about the meeting, but they can’t sleep… It’s a vicious circle.”

Taking a sleep reset holiday can help you understand your own sleep needs, and quell your anxieties. Try going away for five days, preferably without alcohol, and observe when your body wants to go to sleep and when it wants to get up. 

Will Williams discovered his natural sleep requirements the hard way after suffering from insomnia for seven years in his 20s. Working in music and partying most nights meant he was getting three or four hours’ sleep a night – even when he tried to have an early night. What started as a lifestyle problem escalated into an overwhelming anxiety about sleep itself.

“When you’re in that cycle you can barely remember what it’s like to feel good about yourself but I knew it wasn’t right. I tried sleeping tablets, hypnotherapy, yoga, reflexology; acupuncture worked for one night but then I was back to square one,” says Williams, now 36.

In 2007 a chance conversation during a night out at Shoreditch House persuaded Will that meditation might be the thing to sort his sleep out.

“Within two weeks the insomnia had completely gone. Even if I had a bad night, 20 minutes of meditation completely rebooted me.”

Eight years on, Williams, now a Vedic meditation teacher, sleeps six and a half hours a night – the right amount for him – and says he feels like an entirely different person: more upbeat, more productive and, most importantly, not sleep-deprived. One of the biggest changes for Williams was learning that relying on stress to get things done was counterproductive. 

“Being a stressy person was elevating my cortisol levels so that when I lay down to go to bed I was still supercharged from a busy day,” he says.

While meditation might not be the answer for everyone, we can all recognise ways our lifestyles are at odds with restful sleep. So perhaps next time I’ve had a stressful day I’ll leave the cork in the wine bottle and pour myself a relaxing bath instead.

Stress busting sleep kit

  • S+ Res Med sleep tracker. Pop this non-contact sleep tracker on your bedside table to monitor the light, sound and temperature of your bedroom, with feedback sent to your phone. £129.95,
The S+ Res Med tracker
  • Lavender and lovage candle. With research showing lavender can ease anxiety and insomnia, set the mood for sleep in your bedroom with this calming candle.  £42,
A calming candle could soothe sleep nerves
  • Alpaca bed socks. Strictly for bed use only: slip on these 90 per cent baby alpaca socks to signal to your body it’s time to snooze. £16,


'Strictly for bed use only', says Perilla
Plug into music or calming noises to help you sleep
  • Lumie Bodyclock starter light. Ease yourself into the day by waking up gently with increasing amounts of light. The Lumie can also help to combat seasonal affective disorder. £59.95,
The Lumie Bodyclock wakes you up with a softly slowing light