Overweight & Obesity Overweight & Obesity * Strategies to Prevent & Manage Obesity o Acting Early to Prevent Obesity o Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD) 1.0 o Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD) 2.0 * Adult Overweight and Obesity + Defining Adult Obesity + Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences + Defining Childhood Obesity + Childhood Obesity Causes & Consequences + CDC Reports Improvement in Childhood Obesity among Young + Adult Obesity Facts + Childhood Obesity Facts o Adult Obesity Maps Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity * Overweight & Obesity Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences * Consequences of Obesity Obesity is a complex health issue to address. Obesity results from a Obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poorer Watch The Obesity Epidemic to learn about the many community environmental factors that have contributed to the obesity epidemic, as reduce obesity. to Prevent Obesity page. More specifically, strategies to create a Do Genes Have a Role in Obesity? for the obesity epidemic. Nevertheless, the variation in how people development of obesity. How Could Genes Influence Obesity? contribute to obesity by increasing hunger and food intake. Rarely, a clear pattern of inherited obesity within a family is caused by a specific variant of a single gene (monogenic obesity). Most obesity, however, probably results from complex interactions among (multifactorial obesity).^3,4 help identify people at high risk of obesity-related diseases such as Learn more about genetics and obesity here: Obesity and Genomics. Some illnesses may lead to obesity or weight gain. These may include Consequences of Obesity People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or healthy with obesity, visit Health Effects of Obesity. with overweight and obesity, visit Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Obesity and its associated health problems have a significant economic overweight and obesity may involve direct and indirect costs.^12,13 services related to obesity. Indirect costs relate to morbidity and obesity-related health reasons) and ‘presenteeism’ (decreased National Estimated Costs of Obesity The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are high. In The annual nationwide productive costs of obesity obesity-related In addition to these costs, data shows implications of obesity on to obesity: a challenging but not insurmountable task. Am J Clin Nutr ^4Choquet H, Meyre D. Genetics of obesity: what have we learned? Curr ^5NHLBI. 2013. Managing Overweight and Obesity in Adults: Systematic Evidence Review from the Obesity Expert Panel. [PDF – 93KB] of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. [PDF – 2MB] ^8Kasen, Stephanie, et al. “Obesity and psychopathology in women: a three decade prospective study.” International Journal of Obesity 32.3 ^9Luppino, Floriana S., et al. “Overweight, obesity, and depression: a ^10Roberts, Robert E., et al. “Prospective association between obesity journal of obesity 27.4 (2003): 514-521. call to action to prevent and decrease overweight and obesity. obesity in the United States. Obesity Research.1998;6(2):97–106. ^13Wolf, A. What is the economic case for treating obesity? Obesity ^14Hammond RA, Levine R. The economic impact of obesity in the United States. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy. spending attributable to obesity: payer-and service-specific estimates. Indirect costs of obesity: a review of the current literature. Obes Rising Obesity for U.S. Military Recruitment,” Health Economics 21, no. Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity * Overweight & Obesity + Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity,