Search Search Mark Zuckerberg to build robot butler to look after his child as part of 2016 New Year's resolution Alicia Vikander in a scene from 'Ex Machina' The system will be able to control his lights and music as well as helping him run his company 6169789578 Click to follow The Independent Tech Mark Zuckerberg intends to build a robot to look after his house and keep tabs on his newborn daughter. The Facebook founder and CEO’s resolution for 2016 is to build an artificially intelligent system that will be able to control his house, watch over his child and help him to run Facebook. Mr Zuckerberg has in the past taken on “personal challenges” that have included reading two books per month, learning Mandarin and meeting a new person each day. But now he has undertaken perhaps his most ambitious plan — an artificially intelligent robot that seems to be able to run his whole house. Read more Facebook scam being shared thousands of times, weeks after beginning “My personal challenge for 2016 is to build a simple AI to run my home and help me with my work,” he wrote. “You can think of it kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man. ” Facebook has been working hard on AI systems as a company, including building computers that can recognise the contents of a picture and then make sure it is shown properly on Facebook. But other technologists and scientists have expressed concerns about such plans. People such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have worried that artificial intelligence will go on to have too much power and could damage humanity. Those worries were dramatised in last year’s Ex Machina. That film also showed an AI-obsessed boss of a huge technology firm who lived in a computer-controlled house, who went on to create a dangerous robot out of the masses of data he had on his users. Mr Zuckerberg responded to worries about the technology, in response to a commenter that asked whether AI could become "so intelligent that it could run the world like in movies". "I think we can build AI so it works for us and helps us," he wrote. "Some people fear-monger about how AI is a huge danger, but that seems far-fetched to me and much less likely than disasters due to widespread disease, violence, etc. " Others were concerned that he could make killer robots. "Just don't accidentally create skynet," said one user, referencing the self-aware AI that brought chaos in the Terminator films. Mr Zuckerbg said that he would "be careful". Mr Zuckerberg said that he would start by looking into existing technologies. That seemed to be a reference to the burgeoning products in the so-called “internet of things” — WiFi-connected speakers and lights, for instance. “I'm going to start by exploring what technology is already out there,” he wrote. “Then I'll start teaching it to understand my voice to control everything in our home — music, lights, temperature and so on. I'll teach it to let friends in by looking at their faces when they ring the doorbell. “I'll teach it to let me know if anything is going on in Max's room that I need to check on when I'm not with her. ” In pictures: Artificial intelligence through history In pictures: Artificial intelligence through history Boston Dynamics describes itself as 'building dynamic robots and software for human simulation'. It has created robots for DARPA, the US' military research company Google has been using similar technology to build self-driving cars, and has been pushing for legislation to allow them on the roads The DARPA Urban Challenge, set up by the US Department of Defense, challenges driverless cars to navigate a 60 mile course in an urban environment that simulates guerilla warfare Deep Blue, a computer created by IBM, won a match against world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. The computer could evaluate 200 million positions per second, and Kasparov accused it of cheating after the match was finished Another computer created by IBM, Watson, beat two champions of US TV series Jeopardy at their own game in 2011 Apple's virtual assistant for iPhone, Siri, uses artificial intelligence technology to anticipate users' needs and give cheeky reactions Xbox's Kinect uses artificial intelligence to predict where players are likely to go, an track their movement more accurately Mr Zuckerberg also said that the system would help him with his work. It would do so using virtual reality, another technology that Facebook has invested heavily in with its acquisition of Oculus, the headset-making firm. “On the work side, it'll help me visualize data in VR to help me build better services and lead my organizations more effectively," he wrote. “Every challenge has a theme, and this year's theme is invention. ” Comments Most Popular Video Sponsored Features We use cookies to enhance your visit to our site and to bring you advertisements that might interest you. Read our Privacy and Cookie Policies to find out more. We've noticed that you are using an ad blocker. Advertising helps fund our journalism and keep it truly independent. It helps to build our international editorial team, from war correspondents to investigative reporters, commentators to critics. Click here to view instructions on how to disable your ad blocker, and help us to keep providing you with free-thinking journalism - for free. Thank you for your support. 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