[tr?id=2008721609346133&ev=PageView&noscript=1] * Home * Prices * Samples * About Us * Discounts * FAQ * Contact us Order Now Login Login: ____________________ Password: ____________________ [X] Remember me Forgot the password? Login Where a Student's Life Becomes Easier Toll Free: +44-808-189-1011 Toll Free Support24/7 Live Chat * Essay * Coursework * Research Paper * Case Study * Lab Report * Dissertation * Research Proposal * CV * More FAQ's What kind of service do you provide? Our company provides academic writing services including research, essays, thesis papers.. basically, writing of any type of educational document or academic paper. Our writing professionals are qualified to write on virtually any topic that you want to address. If the reference materials are available, we can handle any assignment. We know that daily student life involves a lot of obligations that may prevent you completing necessary assignments. Sometimes you need assistance and that is what we have provided to students just like you since 1997. We provide peace of mind and help you achieve success on your time schedule. How long does it take to complete my order? The following urgency levels are available: * - 3 hours * - 6 hours * - 12 hours * - 24 hours * - 48 hours * - 3 days * - 4 days * - 7 days Ideally, you should submit an order request immediately you realize that your schedule will not allow you to complete the assignment on your own. This gives us the valuable time needed to assign the proper writer and process your order request. If for some reason we cannot meet your targeted or expected deadline, we will inform you as soon as possible either by calling or emailing you. Rest assured that we will do our best to meet any reasonable deadline your order requires. How will I know when the order is complete? As soon as your paper is complete, an email confirmation will be sent to you. Remember to regularly check your email. After you have received your notice you may then access the completed paper online and download it. Once you have downloaded the paper, you will be charged accordingly. At times, the writer may exceed the number of required pages to fully ensure that the message and integrity of your assignment are complete. Do I have to provide the writer with extra information for my paper? Our writers can usually find information required to write your paper. However, some papers may have limited resources available. If this is the case, our writer will inform and ask you to send them notes from class and even scan pages from your textbook to help them write the paper. Sending this information when you place your order will enable our writers to finish the paper in a timely manner. Also, you are more than welcome to upload to our system any information that you would like to be included on your paper. Hence, it is up to you to maintain constant communication with the writer to facilitate a fast delivery of the paper. What should I put in my order details and instructions? It is in your best interests to be as detailed as possible with the instructions that you provide regarding the nature of the paper. Obviously, the title, length of the paper, due date, reference style, specific resources - you only want either books, academic journals, newspapers, magazines or websites or a combination of all of these - should be included. Feel free to express your expectations about how you would like the paper to be. The better your instructions, the better understanding the writer will have of your expectations. What kind of writer is assigned to do my paper? Once you have filled out and submitted an order form, our writing department will evaluate the order details. They will then decide which writer is most qualified to write the paper. They will make sure that the person writing your paper has knowledge and expertise regarding your specific topic. All of our writers hold a Master or PhD degree. In addition, all our writers are qualified professionals who enjoy writing and have proven experience with a positive history. How do I contact my writer? Our system enables you to directly contact the writer assigned to your paper. We have a messaging system that allows you to communicate with the writer at all times. The same system is also utilized by your writer so that they can respond to your concerns and queries immediately. For your convenience, the process ensures that you can clarify issues ahead of time, and monitor the progress of your paper. Also, our customer service/support provides additional assistance (informing the writer of any new messages in case the writer is busy and needs to respond). What if the completed paper does not match my requirements? Our writers strictly follow your instructions. We acknowledge that at times there are rare instances that your paper is not as you expected. To maintain 100% customer satisfaction we offer a 14-day free revision policy. You can surely request a refund within 3 days after order completion. We take all these measures to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the service that we provide. Why should I trust your company and use your service? We strive every day to make our company reliable by meeting deadlines in a timely manner and offering the highest quality of service possible. We also aim to give our clients the best customer satisfaction that they can ever receive. This is not only because we want to stay competitive in the industry but to continue to help students achieve success through our assistance. We know that this is only possible if our clients have a positive experience with our service. In addition, we provide a reasonable price for our service. You can read more about our guarantees here Why can I not place a large order with a short deadline? Why is this option disabled? Quality writing takes time and we would rather have our customers be fully satisfied than accept an order we can not complete because of an unrealistic deadline. With our dissertation writing services you can place multiple orders for individual dissertation chapters. This will allow several writers to work on your order at once. Order Now FREE features * FREE E-mail delivery £5 * FREE Amendments* £20 * FREE Title Page £5 * FREE Bibliography £10 * FREE Formatting £10 Savings on each order: £50 *Provided upon request * Home * Custom essay * Contact us * Prices * Research paper * Order custom essay * Terms and conditions * Sample Essays * Privacy policy * Custom term paper * Sitemap * Testimonials * Become an Author © 1998- "UK.Bestessays.com" Toll Free: 44-808-189-1011 UK: 44-20-0222-7240 USA: 1-302-289-3168 Toll Free UK USA Live Chat Software IFRAME: https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-PJ2SF47 · First-time customer? Grab your special gift Directly at your email address ____________________ Email me now I accept the Terms and Conditions Please accept our terms and conditions · Done! Check your email for the discount Continue to order