network account Still, it works (the tea-and-fag cure, that is), which is perhaps more But I am straying off my subject, which is happiness. (The only real publishers.) For this I turn to Happiness Now! by Robert Holden (Hodder & Stoughton, pounds 8.99), founder of the Happiness Project, whose "innovative work has been the subject of thousands of media features Happiness Now! comes with numerous encomia from authors of other self- The big gun in this series is The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for - rather in the way that Happiness Now! has a very Robert Holden's ghastly grinning mug on the cover of Happiness Now! And (One problem is that, as Montherlant said, happiness writes white; the communication of happiness does not make for good reading. I remember Happiness, which should stand as a warning against those tempted to Happiness is one of the biggest philosophical questions to have the existence of God. "Happiness," said Santayana, "is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and The pursuit of happiness is enshrined as a right in the Declaration of Aristotle worried at the question of Happiness at length in his Ethics. Happiness is eudaemonia, well-being, and after lots of argument with himself, he comes to these conclusions: "Happiness demands not only happiness does not so much revolve around virtue and goodness, as about