Google’s Mo Gawdat: ‘Happiness is like keeping fit. You have to work out’ he joined Google, while working as stock trader and tech executive in mindset to create an “equation for happiness”. The equation says that happiness is greater than, or equal to, your perception of the events turned to the equation, which they had worked on together, in an devote themselves to developing a theory of happiness. You say the more average income your happiness plateaus. Moreover, I found that when you go even higher, wealth starts to work against you – people start to Absolutely. Happiness is very much like staying fit. You start with the that is not enough, you have to go to the gym to work out and eat healthily. To me the whole topic of happiness is exactly the same. First you understand that happiness is a choice, that you can actually achieve it and that there is a method to make it happen. Happiness is you hadn’t developed your happiness equation? You talk about how happiness is a human’s default state. Where’s your In what sense was your quest to develop an equation for happiness When you go back to X what will you be working on? * Work for us