Three things you think will make you happier at work (but won't) [ ] What makes some of us happier at work than others? Photograph: For many of us, work’s not working out. Mundane tasks, too much to do So what common myths do we believe about happiness? And, more importantly, what will actually make us happy at work? dissatisfaction and unhappiness regardless of the amount you are However, research on salary and happiness suggests that satisfaction works up to a point is that a salary of £50,000 allows you to cover all More time off will only help if being at work makes you miserable. “If you really love your work, offering less time at work obviously won’t However, even then this happiness will be short-lived. “People overall happiness. And if someone doesn’t like their job, they then become even more unhappy when they return to work.” their work satisfaction before and after changing job or being happiness hangover. Whereas managers who chose not to change jobs The How of Happiness, is striving towards specific career goals, rather stretching your skills and working towards something achievable that meaning to our day-to-day work. “It creates obligations, deadlines and Having friends at work is also the biggest predictor of long-term job happiness, according to Michelle Gielan, founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research and author of Broadcasting Happiness. “And you don’t need a ton of friends and close work colleagues; just a friendships at work is a key way to boost your mood. Finally, happy employees also feel as though their work is meaningful. “No work is meaningful unless the brain says it is,” says Shawn Achor, psychologist and author of The Happiness Advantage. “And you can imbue any job with meaning if you focus on building relationships at work, or So don’t believe the myths – to be content at work, you need to work happiness. * Work & careers * Work for us [p?c1=2&c2=6035250&cv=2.0&cj=1&comscorekw=Guardian+Careers%2CWork+%26+c