network account The secret of happiness: Family, friends and your environment that people have realised that happiness may not lie in the relentless Although we may be on the cusp of a "new" happiness movement, the quest wisely is a sure-fire route to happiness. Dunn lays out eight ways to well-being/happiness research as somehow unserious or childish in the Next January, meanwhile, the "Movement for Happiness", which aims to increase happiness and decrease misery, will be launched by no lesser dubbed the Government's "Happiness Tsar", and Geoff Mulgan, a former The idea that happiness lies not in flashing the cash, but in modest in volunteer work. These activities are thought to offer a stable network which in turn promotes happiness. The charity Community Service outside are also an important part of the "new happiness". environments on happiness. Not just the awe at a beautiful view, but track British happiness. Using a free iPhone app, researchers will ask can help boost happiness – spending more time with friends and family, happiness coach. "The culture of money and fame is still peaking here. "My life was full of material stuff. I lived and worked in financial and health. It's being grateful and content with your lot. Happiness is "My son makes me truly happy. He's 13 months, and the happiness he brings me is different from anything else I've ever known. Happiness "Happiness to me is family, good close friends, being in control of my happiness that handbags don't – and can't – give." "You are kidding me, aren't you? Happiness? I can't think of anything "To be happy you need enough money. Happiness to me would be being able