network account 40 signs you're part of the furniture at work ‘part of the furniture’ at work. A study of 2,000 office workers has revealed the top 40 indicators that which provides free veterinary treatment to working animals in many British workers feel comfortable and secure in their roles and “Sadly, it’s a very different situation for working animals in work, day-in, day-out, for their entire lives. "That’s why this forgotten workforce urgently needs our help.” workplace attire. sure-fire sign you’re a fixture in the workplace. A tenth of employees also reckon they’ve been working in the same place for such a long time, they don’t feel like they could ever work your work and feeling disillusioned with changes in the workplace also Half of British office workers admit they struggle with change, and two made them feel like they’d become a workplace institution, with the Eight in 10 office workers also say that, despite everything, they enjoy feeling like part of the furniture at work, although 68 per cent believe their working conditions – including pay, their job description Geoffrey Dennis, Chief Executive for SPANA, added: “Many workers in the in the same workplace – with a favourite mug and their own daily tough working lives endured by working animals around the world. and their welfare is neglected. SPANA is working to ensure that working THE TOP 40 SIGNS YOU’RE ‘PART OF THE FURNITURE’ AT WORK 11. You don't want to attend work nights out 16. Everyone assumes you are happy in your work 17. You are territorial about your desk and workspace 24. You feel disillusioned by changes at work 25. You don’t feel like you could ever work anywhere else worked in the same place More about Work Happiness