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And yet, as unpleasant and unsettling as this job often was, it had real upsides: I had a lot of control over my own day, and I was pretty good at the job, too. 我曾在本地的医学院从事尸体防腐处理和解剖的工作。学校使用这些尸体来给学生上手术课和解剖课。自从干了这行,每当大家比谁的工作最糟糕时,我总能“脱 颖而出”。这份工作虽说令人不快且不安,却也有实在的积极意义。我有很多自己的时间,同时还能把工作完成得很漂亮。 embalm /ɪmˈbɑːm / v. to prevent a dead body from decaying by treating it with special substances to preserve it 对(尸体)进行防腐处理 And this, as it turned out, was enough to keep me pretty happy at what was a considerably grim job. Most of us work because we need the money, of course. But because our brains aren’t solely concerned with satisfying basic organic needs, money isn’t the only reward our jobs can bring. Some scientists differentiate between survival needs and “psychological” needs, which are things that aren’t strictly essential for our biological survival, but that we find fulfilling for more cognitively sophisticated reasons. 因此,我在这份看似糟糕的工作中一直干得很开心。对多数人而言,上班自然是为了薪水。可人类的大脑不仅仅满足于基本的器官生理需求,我们能从工作上获取 的回报也不单是金钱。有些科学家认为心理需求和生存需求不同;心理需求不是生物生存所必需的,但由于庞杂的认知因素,人们能从中寻求快慰。 Broadly speaking, there are two of these psychological needs that are most important to meet, if your goal is to be happier at work. Even when your co-workers are cadavers. 一般来说,只要能满足两条最关键的心理需求,哪怕你的同事都是尸体,你也能在工作中更加愉快。 A sense of control. 首先是控制感。 In the 1960s, psychologist Julian Rotter developed the concept of the locus of control: If you think you are responsible for what happens to you, you’re said to have an internal locus of control. If you believe you’re at the mercy of others and external events, you have an external locus of control. Several studies have linked an internal locus of control to higher levels of well-being and happiness, even health, in groups as diverse as college students and elderly war veterans. Makes sense; if you control events, then you can prevent bad things from happening. If you don’t, there’s little you can do to prevent the bad things. Which sounds more stressful? 上世纪六十年代,心理学家朱利安·罗特提出了“控制点”的概念。对于发生在自己身上的事情,如果认为自己负有责任,就是拥有内控性格;若你笃信自己只是 受他人和外物支配,则具有外控性格。从对大学生到老兵的研究均表明,内控性格的人会更幸福美满,甚至连健康水平也更高。这很好理解:当能够自己掌控事件 时,就能预防坏事发生;反之,只能束手无策。哪种情形更让你有压力? Locus /ˈləʊkəs / n. the exact place where sth happensor which is thought to be the centre of sth (某事发生的)确切地点;(被视为某物的)中心,核心 Your work can reward you with a sense of control, but it can also provide a loss or lack of control, which can be psychologically harmful, sometimes even clinically so. Jobs that strip you of autonomy with strict rules/policies (dress codes, micromanagement, etc.) and/or make you constantly beholden to others (telesales, retail, etc.) are widely regarded as unpleasant and a source of stress. It may be that businesses insisting “the customer is always right” has actually had a very damaging effect on their workforce. 部分工作能让员工有控制感,但也有些工作让人有无力掌控甚至失控的感觉,进而带来心理伤害甚至生理创伤。譬如有些工作利用严格的规章制度(着装规范、微 观管理等)剥夺员工的主动权,并且/或者让员工不停地欠别人人情(电话推销、零售等)。这类工作被公认为会带来不快和压力。企业坚持“顾客永远是对的” 的信条,实际可能也对员工带来了极为不利的影响。 A sense of competence. 其次是胜任感。 Related to control is competence: our ability to do something and do it well. The brain’s ability to accurately assess our performance and abilities is a crucial cognitive function. It allows us to make valid decisions about what we should and shouldn’t do. You’re walking down the street and see someone collapse; you DO get your phone out and call an ambulance, because you know you’re capable of this. You DON’T try to perform open-heart surgery on the pavement using your car keys and a ballpoint pen, because you know that’s beyond you and would cause considerable harm. Exactly how the brain judges its/our own performance is uncertain. There is evidence linking the tissue density, the amount of important gray matter packed in, of the right ventromedial prefrontal cortex, in the frontal lobe, to accuracy of self-appraisal, so presumably that area plays a role. But in any case, our brains seem to place a lot of value on competence. 与控制密切相关的是胜任感:即能够应对事务并出色完成的能力。大脑一项重要的认知机能,就是精确评估我们的表现和才能。这样我们才能理性判断什么该做什 么不该做。假如你走在街上,看到有人倒下,你肯定会掏出手机拨打急救电话,因为你清楚自己有这个能力。你不会用车钥匙和圆珠笔在大马路上来一场开胸术, 因为你知道这不仅远远超出了你自身的能力,还会带来重大伤害。我们还无法确定大脑到底是如何判断它或者说我们自身的表现的。不过有证据表明,在大脑额叶 当中,腹内侧前额叶皮层右侧的组织密度,也就是关键的大脑灰质的总量,跟自我评估的精确度相关。这片区域在能力评估上应该起了一定作用。总而言之,我们 的大脑似乎非常看重能力胜任。 Our jobs give us ample opportunity to acquire and demonstrate competence; if you can’t achieve a minimum level of competence in your job then you usually lose it, and given how the brain recognizes our work as important for our survival, the desire for competence is bound to be high. It also ties into our brain’s effort-evaluating system, as doing something we’re not competent at is considerably more effort than something we’re an expert at. Driving to the store to pick up milk is a mundane chore for many, but for those who can’t drive or don’t know where the store is, it requires a Herculean effort. Clearly, our competence is an important facet of our brain’s underlying calculations. 工作给了我们很多机会去培养和证明自身的能力。你的能力要是达不到最低工作要求,通常就保不住这个饭碗了。在大脑的认知中,工作对我们的生存是至关重要 的,因此对能力的渴求必定非同一般。这还跟大脑中的努力评估系统有关,毕竟当我们在处理我们并不擅长的事情时,所要付出的努力要比处理擅长的事要多得多 。对大部分人来说,开车去店里买牛奶是再稀松平常不过的家务事,但这对不会开车或者不认路的人来说,就要费力得多。我们的能力无疑是大脑决策背后一个重 要的考虑因素。 Herculean /ˌhɜːkjuˈliːən / Adj.needing a lot of strength, determination or effort 费力的;需要决心的;艰巨的 This can even be demonstrated in the very structure of our brains. Experienced London taxi drivers have been shown to have enlarged regions of the hippocampus, specifically the regions dedicated to complex spatial navigation, and musicians proficient in instruments like piano or violin have been shown to have significantly larger areas of the motor cortex dedicated to fine hand and finger movements. Our jobs essentially compel us to perform actions and behaviors repeatedly, which means our brains have time to adapt to them, making us far more proficient at them. And this can make us happier, because the brain likes being competent. 人脑的构造也能证实这点。大脑中的海马体主要负责复杂空间导向,皮质运动区则专门负责手部和指部的精细运动;而伦敦的士老司机的海马体就比常人宽广,精 通钢琴或小提琴等乐器的音乐家也有比常人明显更大的皮质运动区。工作本质上就是强迫人们重复行为举止。大脑于是有了充足的时间去适应,促使我们在工作上 日渐长进。大脑体验到胜任感,会让我们更加快乐。 Also, many jobs offer a variety of ways to measure our competence. Sales targets, bonuses, promotions, performance reviews, pay grades, employee-of-the-month awards — these are all things which provide a reasonably quick and definitive measure of how “good” someone is at their job. Our brains do seem to like measuring things, and appear to have specific regions dedicated to doing so. A 2006 study by Castelli, Glaser, and Butterworth suggested that the intraparietal sulcus, part of the brain’s parietal lobe, is integral to the brain’s processing of measurements, and that it even has separate systems for specific, numerical measurements (e.g. “There are 38 french fries on my plate”) and more “analogue,” relative measurements (e.g. “There are more french fries on his plate than mine, I am never eating here again”). The intraparietal sulcus has also been regularly implicated as having a fundamental role in integrating information supplied by the senses and linking it to our motor systems, and other facets that control our behavior, so this all adds up. 不少岗位也提供了多种测量能力的途径。销售指标、奖金、升职、绩效评估、薪水等级、月度最佳员工奖等等,都在一定程度上为员工的工作能力提供了便捷而明 确的衡量标准。我们的大脑似乎喜欢衡量事物,甚至存在专门的负责区域。卡斯泰利、格拉泽与巴特沃斯于2006年进行的一项研究表明,脑顶叶的一部分—— 顶内沟,是大脑进行测量计算必不可少的一部分。它甚至有独立的系统,用于量化测量(例如:“我盘子里有38根薯条”)和相对测量(例如:“那人的薯条凭 什么比我多,以后再也不来了口享”)。顶内沟还被认为在集成感官传送的信息、并关联到人体运动系统的过程中和涉及到控制人体行为的其它方面扮演了关键角 色。这样一来,就都说得通了。 So, for various reasons, our brains desire a sense of competence, and when we feel we’re competent, we’re more likely to be happy. Our work offers us greater opportunities to improve our competence, and to have this competence objectively confirmed, which is nice. (Unless of course, our competence is criticized, which is not.) 所以,基于以上种种因素,人类的大脑渴求胜任感。当感到自己有能力时,我们更容易感到开心。工作给我们提供了众多提升能力的机会,并让我们的能力得到客 观上的肯定,何乐不为呢。(当然,万一我们的能力得到否定评价,就不那么美妙了。) Work also offers other types of reward, such as exposure to novel things and situations (something the brain likes, as the previous chapter revealed, and that explains why jobs that are crushingly repetitive are often described so negatively) and greater opportunities to interact with other people and make social connections (covered later). The take-home point here is that, while most people work because they need the money, the brain’s mechanisms offer several other ways in which work can reward us and satisfy instinctive needs and desires, potentially making us happy — even if your job involves dissecting cadavers. 工作还提供了其他类型的回报,比如接触新奇的事物和状况以及更多与他人互动及建立社交关系的机会(大脑喜欢新鲜事,这也正是为什么高度重复性的工作常常 被认为是消极的)。本篇的重点是,虽然多数人工作只是为了薪水,大脑的运算机理却提供了多种途径,使得工作不仅能满足我们本能的需求与渴望,甚至可能让 我们感到快乐——哪怕你的工作是解剖尸体。 Excerpted from Happy Brain: Where Happiness Comes From, and Why by Dean Burnett. Copyright © 2018 by Dean Burnett. Reprinted with permission of W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 摘自《快乐的大脑:快乐的来源与成因》,迪恩·伯内特著 取经号推荐 书籍 * 《幸福之路》 英国著名哲学家贝特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872—1970)著,我国著名翻译家傅雷先生译。在本书中,罗素不依任何高深的学说,而是把一些经由他自己的经验和观察证 实过的通情达理的意见归纳起来,制做出一张献给读者的方子,希望无数感到郁闷的男男女女,能够在此找到他们的病案和逃避之法,能够凭着适当的努 力变得幸福。该书晓畅明白,历来为广大读者所喜爱,国内也曾有多个译本刊行。傅雷先生的精湛翻译更是为这本书增添了光彩。 豆瓣:8.9 https://book.douban.com/subject/1033248/ 文章 * BBC how to love your job again? http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20170717-how-to-love-your-job-agai n * 培养孩子的成就感 https://confidentparentsconfidentkids.org/2013/04/11/cultivating-a- sense-of-competence/ 视频 * 《工作》1961年意大利老电影,叙述了一个15岁乡下男孩到米兰大公司谋职的经过。职场新人的彷徨与困惑被揭示在聚光灯下。 豆瓣:8.5 https://movie.douban.com/subject/1302119/ * TED演讲-陷入负面情绪该如何走出来? http://card.weibo.com/video/h5/detail?object_id=2017607:2d0d36dbd5d f854f744405839b5b28f9 * TED演讲-如何找到自己钟爱的工作 https://www.ted.com/talks/scott_dinsmore_how_to_find_work_you_love/ transcript?language=zh-cn #访问取经号官网# 网站域名 qujinghao.com,即“取经号”的全拼 #读译交流# 后台回复 读译会,参与取经号Q群交流 #外刊资源# 后台回复 外刊,获取《经济学人》等原版外刊获得方法 #关注取经号# 扫描 二维码,关注跑得快的取经号(id:JTWest) 【the CUT】解剖尸体也快乐: 提升工作幸福感的诀窍 <原文链接:https://www.thecut.com/article/how-to-be-happy-at-work.html> Published in 原创译文 Previous Post 【大西洋月刊】律师能否宣布委托人有罪? 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